"Hallucinating" Cards


Earlier today, I did my daily reading and got Ace of Cups, 4 of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, and 9 of Cups. When I was putting them up was holding them in a stack face down like this:
Ace of Cups
4 of Swords
Queen of Pentacles
9 of Cups

At each card, I looked at it to make sure it was upright (since I don't use reversals). By the third card I started to slide back into the deck, I realized that I had seen Ace of Cups as the first, 2nd, and 3rd card that I slid in. Since I hadn't completely slid in the 3rd card yet, I looked at it again. It was 4 of Swords (I could've sworn it was Ace of Cups). I put it into the deck and the last card I had was Ace of cups. So I puzzled over how I managed to see it 3 times when Ace of Cups was last... I wouldn't have made such a big deal about it if I mistook a card once, but to mistake it 3 times was mindboggling... (Note: all of them look nothing alike.) I joked that it was some kind of brain lapse =P

Have you ever "hallucinated" Tarot cards or had a similar experience?


no, i cannot recall ever hallucinating before while working with the cards, but I wonder if this is a special message for you? Keep a look out for a new love, or an emotional beginning of sorts. thank goodness it was the Ace of Cups you were hallucinating about, and not a more devious card.