The Gratitude Stone


I was just reading a story in a local new age publication ...actually it was an advertisement for a crystal shop...

anyway, the story talked about a man who had a polished stone that he kept in his pocket, that he referred to as his Gratitude stone.
He would take it out at least twice a day and look at it, finger it's worn smooth sides, and think about all that he was thankful for each day.

Apparently he gave the stone to a young sick boy who then healed of his illness! (Perhaps not that far fetched an idea!)

But I really like the main idea behind this. A stone to remind one of the blessings they have and what to be grateful for.

The shop that published this article sells a ten dollar version of the Gratitude Stone...something called an infinity crystal. I have no idea what that is...but I think I would like to try my own version to carry with me.

Anyone have an idea of what would make a good Gratitude Stone?
I was thinking quartz...or citrine...for the sunny and happy color...

but I would like to hear what your ideas are...what crystal is good for feelings of gratitude? What would you use to magnify your blessings?

Ruby Red Slippers


I’ve just finished The Secret – visited a local Ener-chi shop where they had a bowl at the register where they had black & white river rock (Michael’s has them by the bag) and a note to take one “Free” and remember to say thank you when you touched it.
I’ve bought the stones and got the bowl out & tomorrow they come to work with me to sit on my desk – free for the taking – just passing the good “remember” to be thankful thought out to the Universe!
I’ll just pass some healing Reiki and smudge sage on them & they are good to go.
I do believe good intention is a powerful thing!
Love to hear how others are sharing….


Oh That's wonderful Ruby Red Slippers!

I just found out that this story originated in the Secret! How cool!

I suppose I ought to read it. (though from what someone else has told's already the stuff I have put into practice for the last five years!)

River rocks would be very nice for gratitude stones!


I reckon a clear quartz would be good for this type of thing. To me, clear quartz can be used for anything.

Rose quartz would be good too, like putting lots of love into the stone. :)


I am a firm believer of the Gratitude Stone, I gave one to my partner and I just chose a small river pebble from a garden that we created together, as a gift of gratitude from me to him.

I believe that it is the intent behind the giving of such an item whether it be stone, rock or crystal that helps give it the power. Belief in something so positive can only lead to much wonderfulness.

Rock on!, the Universal Laws of Attraction.... :eek:)

Ruby Red Slippers

Star-Willow said:
I believe that it is the intent behind the giving of such an item whether it be stone, rock or crystal that helps give it the power. Belief in something so positive can only lead to much wonderfulness.

Rock on!, the Universal Laws of Attraction.... :eek:)

Absolutely - I've been working on it too for the last 10 years but want to make it a habit in EVERYTHING I do!

So putting out the gratitude stones reinforces it for me too. AND they were very well rec'd by the office - we all need encouragement & "free" is always good!



He picked his up outdoors, on the ground.

An humble pebble - to say thank you, humbly, for the lavish gifts the universe gives us.

I like that, and I have done the same, countless times. Nature gives us what we need just for the taking - but sometimes we overlook the gift and seek what is shiny and obvious. Gratitude begins with noticing our small blessings and realising they are not so small.

Which stone? Bend down and pick one you see on the ground. One that seems to be saying to you - thank you for noticing me.

It's a bit like those stories of fairies and princes disguised as beggars that show up at people's front door. Those who notice them and are kind are rewarded. The others... :(



Beautiful thread

THANK YOU for starting it

and sharing :)

I think I will find a gratitude stone too...




OOOh...I love the idea of just picking a stone from the ground!

actually I already have a wonderful collection of found rocks and stones that are dear to me!

I will look in the snow near the lake tomorrow.

I have what seems to be a related story to share...

In my neighborhood there is a beautiful street that winds through forests and farms called Snake Road.

And apparently there is a phenomenon called Love Rocks..being discovered alongside the road.

Everything from small stones to large boulders have been found with hearts drawn on them...and are simply somebody along this street!

Isn't that just the coolest?


I have a couple pieces of quartz I (or my mother) picked up here in the yard now sitting on my night stand. I have always rubbed them for tension release (one, in particular, I've rubbed down to a really sparkly state!)

I much better like the idea of Gratitude stones, though, and am now thusly going to call my favorite one just that and remember to be grateful for what I have whenever I pick it up!

Thanks for this thread...(my first official gratitude statement...wait, let me go pick up that stone!) :D