Is astrology a psychic tool ?


I had psychic and astrology readings before and read many books on psychic and astrology. I am confused because some say astrology is a psychic tool, it is a divination. Others say it is not-it only is the study of the current energy or what is currently happening in this universe, or it is just a map.

So, I would like to ask members in this forum: is it a psychic tool ? I mean by practicing astrology, can you really improve your psychic skills ?



Interesting question

Well, you see, according to me (and this is my opinion, so do feel free to listen to every other point of view) astrology is both an art as well as a science. Why a science? Because it involves complex calculations of complex figures, like planetary degrees and orbs, the distance between one planet and another, etc etc. Why an art? Because the way we interpret these "scientific" calculations is indeed an art form. Otherwise we'd all just read astrology "cook-books" and say the same goddamned interpretations to everyone and anyone.

As for it to be a psychic tool? Well, yes it is, but not fully psychic. For you see there are rules to be followed when interpreting a chart. And that's what makes it an art, for you see, without this powerful art of interpretation, we wouldn't be able to distinguish between a good astrologer and one that knows absolutely nothing. And like every art, interpretation requires a psychic element to it, for without that, 'the art of interpretation' looses it's 'magical' quality.

So it's not a fully psychic tool, but a little psychic powers do help :)

Hope this helps

Love and Blessings



Well,yes.Astrology is about psych primarly.Modern science of psychology,that is taught in schools is nowhere.Of course,one who is school student shouldn`t say such a thing,because profs are so vain,and of course that could have a bad reflection to school marks.Ha,ha.


I’ve always viewed astrology as another divination tool. As with other tools, astrologers learn to use their own “alphabets,” systems, and intuitions to read symbolism and extract meaning.

As for improving one’s psychic skills… for myself, I’ve found that learning any new systems which challenges my thought processes helps me to further develop my abilities--astrology included.

Just my two cents! :)


My sixpences worth is this:

Astrology can be either. A chart can be used to explore characteristics or the future. It depends on the astrologer and the type of chart. I do astrology charts, however have a friend who does them totally by hand. And just looking at them will not only rattle off everything natal and character but also the things she sees coming. This does take psychic ability yes - however a chart can be interprested without it.

I hope that makes some kind of sense!