Color Coding?


Do you color code your journals in any way?

Which colors do you use for which suits?


Red - Wands
Orange - Swords
Green - Pentacles
Blue - Cups
Purple - Majors

I've been thinking about incorporating a Courts color too.

How about you?


I don't colour code my journals...

But I'd probably have a steely colour for swords rather than orange.


Well, I wanted to use standard colors, easy to see, find and recognize, etc.

Green = earth = pents, blue = water = cups, Orange = fire = swords, Red = air = wands (that one doesn't have much of a significance to me like the other three).

Astraea Aurora

I don't color code for each single card but the date is always in violett, all my readings are in green and the rest (thoughts, summaries of the day etc.) are blue ink. Makes it easier for me to find readings when I re-read them after four weeks or later. I must admit, there isn't any reason behind those colors, I use them just for the fact that they're so different from each other.

Colorful blessings, Astraea Aurora


For a while when I kept a handwritten journal I did. I used metallic pens and I would draw the layout and write the cards in, then write out the interpretation. So I outlined the little rectangles representing cards in different colors. They matched my deck though: major arcana - purple, cups - pink, pentacles - green, wands - orange, swords - blue.

It's really only useful for noticing trends of what suits you're getting though - at least for me. lol That and making things pretty.


No I dont. All of my readings are kept in the one journal.

Bright Blessingsxxx


SarahRose said:

Red - Wands
Orange - Swords
Green - Pentacles
Blue - Cups
Purple - Majors

I use yellow for Swords instead of orange otherwise the same.