A Question...


Hello again... I Wanted to ask, when someone buys their tarot cards and lets say those cards are from Russia, Would it be a good idea to speak in russian asking the cards for answers...?


I had to lol at this one.

The cards are just cardstock and ink. They don't understand languages. Use whatever you want to use. It doesn't matter where the cards came from.


Well, What i was trying to mean is a spiritual thing, you know...?


Well I don't really personally think of tarot like that. I suppose I do to an extent, but I think of it more as intuition and psychology. And I stand firm in my belief that the cards are just that - pieces of paper. I don't believe you're talking to them and they have to understand you. I think you should use whatever language you want to use because you're pretty much just talking with yourself.


I have a Spanish Robin Wood that I love to use, but I don't feel the need to speak to it in Spanish. My spirituality lies within me, not within the cards. The cards are a tool.

If I were to read for someone who was Spanish or Hispanic or otherwise understood Spanish, the cards might be more meaningful to them than English "speaking" cards, maybe.

If you speak Russian, you could speak to them in Russian if you like.

Incidentally, I don't read or speak Spanish. I just like foreign language cards. Go figure. :p


If you feel it would help you connect to the cards better, or improve your reading....Why not ask in Russian?

I've developed an odd habit over the years of occasionally thinking in a mixture of broken English and French. Though I've never consciously asked a question in French, it could be fun to try. :) If I spoke Russian, I might be tempted to ask my Tarot of St. Petersburg a question in Russian for fun.

The crowned one

Symbolism transcends spoken language, it is why tarot is universal with some learning.


I don't think your cards would expect you to speak Russian at them but I bet you try to read the Russian wording on the cards and then try to say them LOL. I have Spanish versions of the Morgan Greer and RWS and instead of seeing the English words I get La Luna for the Moon, La Estrella for the Star etc and I do find myself saying the Spanish for them which is strange because its probably the only Spanish I know. :)


Not sure if this is a hypothetical question or not, let's assume you've got a russian deck and do speak russian. I can see the merit in switching language to do a reading, like switching mode of thinking, getting in a different state. Also, assuming that these russian cards have a russian theme, using the native language could perhaps help you connect better with the deck. It's not about the cards, they don't care, but about you. People that do speak many languages sometimes find that they feel different when thinking and speaking in these languages. Also, assuming that russian is not your native language or one that you use often, this 'switch' can help you distance yourself from your dominant personality, mindset or what you want to call it, and allow freer reign to your intuition. I have actually found this to work for me at times. So yes, I would at least give it a try!