Another retrograde?


Someone on one of my lists mentioned something about another retrograde next month, was it Pluto? I forget, and since I know NOTHING of astrology I was wondering what it means, I know Mercury Retrogrades are a pain when it comes to my computer, what does this planet effect?


Well, Pluto reigns Surgery and Reconstruction. Don't undergo any repitching or aestethic operation of any sort! You might have negative surprises! :D

Pluto is associated to genitalia and reproduction (SEX! :p )but its influence extends to the inconscious, the emotions and the feelings buried deep beneath and unspoken; it help overcome obstacles and challenges and makes subtle-minded, critic, quenstioning, reserved and also a bit CRUEL sort of WICKED!!! }>

As far as I've gone in my learning (AG, I'm trying to answer, so don't feel over-responsibility, ok? ;) ) I still haven't met the nature and the meanings of retrogrades from "far" Planet (i.e. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). However, considering, on a general basis, that they were discovered recently and that their retrogrades happen SO often - I think all the three of them were retrograde for most of 2001 - no specififc meaning is associated to this occurrance.

However, I promise, I'll try to look for something more...


Pollux, I'm grateful that you answered and am impressed with your astrological knowledge 8)

Correction: Pluto goes retrograde on March 20th and stays retro for appx. five months each year.