the number of card vs the size of the matrix


first i'll define my concept of matrix:
A matrix is an information system, it contain data that you can access, like the numbers is a matrix that serve to count things or an alphabet is a matrix that serve to forms words etc...

So i wonder if the number of cards in a deck influence the size of the matrix or telling otherwise if a tarot deck with more card permit to access more choice/information ?

On the other hands there's colors that make more choice and number and forms and combinaison of card and in last ressort you can view things inside a tarot card like a psychic whitout knowing where it come from really....

so there's the number of cards, there's the others symbol on each cards and there's also the limitation of our mind...

what do you think ?
Omeads Lusvam


If I get this right, what you're wondering is whether the number of possible 'building blocks' has an effect on the power of your reading?

I'd say not. Example, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets have a different number of letters to the Latin. It doesn't influence the number or quality of things you can say or rather write using them. Closer example: the Deva Tarot. It has an extra major and a whole extra suit. I love it and I use it, but I don't think it gives me access to more information. Oracle decks, like the Lenormand, have less cards than Tarot, but my understanding is they give powerful readings. My answer would be I think, the important thing is how well suited to you the symbols are, how familiar, or clear, or ... rather than how many. So of the things you mention, the only really important capacity and limitation is that of the reader. Just my opinion!

The crowned one

I see the cards as tools but their language is somewhat like Hieroglyphics but without a phonetic value or more like Pictographs or Ideagraphs, examples would be Shang or very early Hebrew pre 1500bc or Tarot!

This is of course just on the surface of the cards, but it is the symbols many people read exclusively from as beginners, I feel need to match a spread to the query, I would not use a single card draw to give a month to month breakdown on someones year even tho that card might give a excellent summery of their year, it lacks the details wanted by the querier.