Sky Blue


I love it when a cloudless sky fills up with light. When the blue is so blue it is beyond expression. Cerulean. Indigo. Lapis Lazuli. We have different words for the color, but the blue I have in mind exists on a mountaintop in Colorado where my husband and I had gone four wheeling in a rental van! It was 1997 and we were still childless, we were in love and there was a simplicity to life that I long for today. And a sky full of light, even if the blue isn’t quite as deep as that long ago day, triggers that memory for me every time.

Memories like that are so full of emotion and feeling. I have favorite songs from the ‘80’s that actually hurt; they cause a kind of pain in my chest and stomach that is a combination of butterflies and the taste of chocolate. Sometimes I listen to a song and I can smell the woodsmoke from the fire at our childhood camp. I hear my father chopping wood and I can hear the voice of a lost childhood friend singing out over the lake, “Claudia and Joey sitting in a tree…Claudia and Joey sitting in a tree…k-i-s-s-i-n-g”.

Years ago when I was working with the Robin Wood Tarot I remember the sky on the Queen of Swords (Adding here it is the inside of her cape. The blue with the butterflies.) hitting me like it did that day in Colorado. And it was the moment I began to realize how the cards work. It was also the day I recognized that each deck would have a different emotional impact on me. The mood of the cards, the colors, the settings and people, were evoking different emotional responses in me that were like little punches in the chest. They each had a meaning that was personal to me and my life. They hit me with memories and the memories were multi-sensorial.

The decks that felt a certain way were the decks I chose to read with. If the deck brought in a more negative emotional response I tended not to reach for it…and sometimes I’m confused by decks that I don’t really care for in terms of the art, but would get uncannily accurate readings with. Dance of Life Tarot was famous for that. I really don’t love the artwork, but the deck for some reason just Works for me.

All of this is about symbol. Since my friend Scion started his thread over in Deck Creation on Symbols and even before that I’ve been thinking so much about the symbols that I’m connected to and that work for me. I’ve been reading lately and thinking, What do reds mean to me? What do I think about birds? What do I know about birds? What do I know about spirals? How do I feel when I see the Ten of Swords? And other questions like this.

Emotion and feeling in a deck don’t get discussed often. We don’t often say in our posted readings “The card in the fourth position smelled like rain in the spring….and I remembered how funny robins look when they cock their heads while looking for worms.”

I’m sort of making multiple observations here. Connecting some dots about the way I tend to read for people, and talking with all of you about the things I say and some of the things I leave unsaid. Reading cards for me is an emotional and mental exercise. So many things happen lightening fast and I don’t get to really cognitively dissect what is happening. Today the sky got to filling up with light and started me thinking about Colorado and Tarot. And I brought it here to share.

ana luisa

Thank you for sharing such beautiful and emotional memories! That´s so true. Tarot is very evocative of feelings. Some of them we even don´t know are there... I guess that´s what makes it so hard sometimes to "translate' what you read to the querent. Words are NOT multidimensional. Unfortunately.


Wow, I thought I was the only one who did this, well not really, but it sure seems like it...

I wish we would all express how all of specific details and symbols, and what they all mean to us... how they make us feel, why they make us feel that way.. perhaps share some memories...

I rave that you share these posts here.


Thanks for the positive response.

It is so true tho, because as you read for more and more people you also begin to notice that your own life has parallels to the sitter's life. I have noticed that when I am going thru something or have just finished with a 'lesson' suddenly I get a few readings on exactly that issue.

Carolyn Myss talks about this in one of her tape sets. How the Universe sends her three of certain illnesses for her medical intuitive work. Sort of like the Universe is saying, see this, learn it, study it, recognize it. And I have seen this in my Tarot work.

So for me, I don't want to see a three of cups and always think...Oh yes. The guy who left his wife...because of the threefer....instead because of the way my brain works, tying things in to emotion or memories from my weird twists and turns...making things meaningful for the way I work and identify life...the three of cups stays fresh. It doesn't become the "chick card".

Probably this is why intuitive reading works great for me. It is all about the zap. The trigger. What does that card trigger for me at that moment....and how does it relate to the sitter. Sometimes if I tell the sitter a bit of the story we go in a surprising direction with the reading.

I can say that I have sometimes become conscious of a sort of riffing thru meanings in my going thru a card say the two of swords comes up. My head sort of will slide down the list of meanings I have locked in there....and go...nah...nah...nah...Yes! That's what I'm looking for! And other times it is subtle or instantaneous. And of course I love how things will Click! as the sitter is talking.

Please, I hope others will share what happens for them. It is endlessly fascinating how the brain catalogs things and how things come up and how symbols and metaphors get triggered in the brain....and come out as psychic/intuitive information in the reading!!!


My mind works in asimilar card fasion.

We all seem to tell the impressions we get in our readings. Oh how it would be nice to share what means what to us, and why.


Satori said:
It is so true tho, because as you read for more and more people you also begin to notice that your own life has parallels to the sitter's life. I have noticed that when I am going thru something or have just finished with a 'lesson' suddenly I get a few readings on exactly that issue.
I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me!!!!!! These days, I always try & see what message there may be for me after I've done a reading ...... I think that when this happens, it also helps to open up the empathy levels too ....... which makes the connection with the querant even stronger :)