Can Tarot Actually Tell Someone's Feelings & Thoughts?


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Tarot and how varied decks are, the people who read and are read for, but somewhat piggy backing on the "Why do you believe" thread (which I love by the way:)) do you think tarot can really tell you about one person's thoughts and feelings for someone else? I've read a few members think this is not likely and some think it is likely (I fall into the latter category by the way:)) so I just want to know do you really think its possible?


I believe Tarot can do this, as well as so many more things. I've experienced it firsthand, which makes me a believer.

What others believe is their own faith, which I do not care to dispute or challenge.

What others believe about my faith is their own business, which I also do not care to dispute or challenge.


I guess it depends upon how you believe tarot works. If you, like I, believe that the cards are a just tool to unlock someone's own intuitions about the Universal Truths and energies surrounding them, then yes, tarot can actually tell someone's feelings and thoughts. Absolutely.


Very much so and I have seen it work. I have done many readings like that and I have been told they were so accurate it was scary. I've seen it enough to be sure within myself that it does work.


The crowned one

100% yes, and I prove it daily. :) When I use my tool the RRW deck.



IMO it's one of tarots greatest strengths.
half the threads here wouldn't even exist if it were not so.

I don't know if AT would exist at all if tarot were not a mirror of the soul.
would we here, even bother with tarot if it were nothing more than 78 pretty pictures. if that's the case then the cards are nothing more than a bunch of weird greeting cards with kooky pictures.


Yes. Without a doubt it is possible, and also just to be able to tell yourself what people think/ feel. The thing is, though, for many of us, this gift is a bit like a Ford car in wet weather and you never know if it will start or not! Yet, at other times, it comes without being invited- but this last part doesn't relate to Ford cars.



Papageno said:
weird greeting cards with kooky pictures.

this is a priceless turn of phrase. :) no matter how you feel about the issue.


Without a doubt. I have it too many times to not think that.


Heavensent said: you think tarot can really tell you about one person's thoughts and feelings for someone else?

Only in-so-far as that person's reactions to the cards can be used to gauge their thoughts and feelings.