Using gemstone oracles


I had the Aora set for a while. I really liked the art. but....

Something about pulling a card and seeing a picture of a stone didn't feel right. It felt one step removed, like the stone itself should be there and was missing.

Does anyone use a gemstone oracle regularly? How does it work for you? Do you miss the presence of the stone itself?



I almost bought Aora deck, but ordered the "Jewels of the Lotus" Tibetan Gemstone Oracle. This was a splurge for me at $35. I like the cards, though "tibetan" references may not be exactly accurate.
They feel good, however, and I will continue to work with this deck. There is something about the lotus flower and the symbolism that I adore :) I bought the set through amazon.
Namaste, Robin


I use crystals for divination in the same way as my runes and tarot

The system I use is based on Cassandra Eason's crystal divination

Basically it uses 20 gemstones using the strong version of the colour and a lesser version of the colour. Each shade of the stone stone gives a different perspective, often similar to how tarot reversals are used. I find it incredibly effective and accurate but not as popular as runes or tarot.

e.g. creative red is possibly looking at direct action or words, but being careful not to be a bull in a china shop. receptive (paler or lesser intense red) could indicate somebody bottling things up, or turning their anger inwards and blaming themselves.

It really does work well. This was one of her earlier books which I loved and also enjoyed her Moon divination and Rune divination books.



That sounds really interesting to me, Davina! Which one of her books do you recommend to start with, as I checked Amazon and there is so many to choose from! They all look good to me. Thanks for your input, Robin


I would recommend:

Crystal divination for today's woman (which is going dirt cheap through market place sellers through the UK amazon)

Rune divination for today's woman (as above)

Moon Divination for today's woman (as above)

All are in the similar vain and the systems are wonderfully simple. I use her rune system which has 30 runes not the usual 25.

I think you would like how she uses crystals themselves as an oracle system

let me know if you go ahead with any of these, and if so, how you get on with them. Davina


shadowdancer said:
I think you would like how she uses crystals themselves as an oracle system

yes! I think I would like this very much. I will look for the books. It might take me a while to get all the stones though.

Which book talks about the creative and receptive aspect of each stone? Or is that your refinement of the system?

Redrobin, the Tibetan Gemstone Oracle is beautiful, I like the lotus flowers on it also. I kind of miss my Aora Oracle so I think I'll give it another chance. If I get used to using the crystals themselves maybe the Aora deck can be for meditation or just one card can be a significator for a crystal reading.



no the creative and receptive aspects are in her book.
YOu would use 20 gemstones (2 of each colour)

There are 30 combinations, as she also gives how you could consider 'reading' if both the same colour were drawn



That sounds perfect! The idea of reading directly with the stones really appeals. I will look for the book.


knowledge seeker

i have the crystal oracle deck, and i find it fabulous to read with, offering great insight. there has been a few 'a'ha' moments during readings with this deck, both for myself and others.
i have been toying with the idea of using actual crystals in a bag, and ding readings that way, but it's not something i have gotten round to doing just yet, when the time is right it will happen.
ultimately in the end though, you need to work with what you best connect with. the crystal oracle cards are quite simple, but for me, i connect with them; for others maybe not so.....


knowledge seeker said:
i have the crystal oracle deck, and i find it fabulous to read with, offering great insight. there has been a few 'a'ha' moments during readings with this deck, both for myself and others.
i have been toying with the idea of using actual crystals in a bag, and ding readings that way, but it's not something i have gotten round to doing just yet, when the time is right it will happen.
ultimately in the end though, you need to work with what you best connect with. the crystal oracle cards are quite simple, but for me, i connect with them; for others maybe not so.....

Those are gorgeous!

I like the visionary landscapes of some of the more complex crystal decks but I like this one for the close up "portraits" of each crystal. From the box blurb it sounds like this set would be offer substantial readings.
