how to choose a significator?


This is one of the issues that confuses me the most. When i read for others i sometimes let thme choose intuitively the significator, sometimes i choose the Trump that correlates with them... but when it comes to "personal" readings... Sometimes the Significator simply "falls out" of the deck while i shuffle it, i love these moments becase i click with it immediately; when i have to choose it... it's an "agony" as somebody called it around here lately.
How do you choose the Significator?


When I use one, I just deal it with the other cards. It acts as an overview card for me.


I don't bother with significators, never have.
I don't want to take a card out of the pack that may need to come up in the reading.
I certainly wouldn't ever remove one of the Trump cards, they're far too important.

If it's such a bother, why are you bothering? Just read without a significator or use something that belongs to the person if you really need something to help you to connect.


Marion said:
When I use one, I just deal it with the other cards. It acts as an overview card for me.

When I use one (for me or a querent) it is the 1st card I deal from the deck. It represents me (or querent if reading for someone else) now in relation to the question. So basically, like Marion, I just deal it from the deck and it becomes part of the reading.


I don't ever use them in readings, only if I'm doing a meditation of some kind. I don't choose them.

I pay attention - when doing readings for myself over a period of time - to what card comes up repeatedly in positions representing myself.

So, if I was using a spread that had a position for significator, I would not choose a card ahead of time, but note what card turns up for me in that position.

I find this approach accurate. I've had the same significator hold true for a period of years even! Though sometimes it is a shorter timeframe. Sometimes there is a nice flow from one card for period of time and then you evolve into a related card, in a way that makes perfect sense to you when you step back and think of the card meanings (which helps you be a little more objective). :)

It's also possible to have a couple of significators, showing different major areas of your life at present or different major aspects of your personality. Generally, I'd keep it to one unless you just know with certainty that both fit you to a tee at this time, or unless you're going through a period of transition and it doesn't seem appropriate to let go of your old significator yet.

Have fun! :)


I don't use them, either. It just seems like kind of a waste of time trying to find a suitable one and then, too, it takes a card out of the deck that might be pertinent to the reading if left in.

Raymond Buckland, in his book for the Buckland Romany tarot, mentions using a coin that belongs to the sitter, or maybe a ring or some other item that belongs to them, as significator. One of our members writes the sitter's question on a piece of paper which is then put under the spreadcloth during the reading and I think that works well as a significator, too.


Must confess… I do like Significators :)
Jewel, do you you take the first from the top pile as significator? After shuffling and cutting? (Is it a card that would “normally” go to the position one?)

”I pay attention - when doing readings for myself over a period of time - to what card comes up repeatedly in positions representing myself.”
(Originally posted by Mellifluous)
With the Tarot of Prague I know it’s Page of Swords, but not sure with RWS. Wait, let me ask him… (her? )
King of Pentacles?! I do get him almost in every reading, but never thought he can represent me?! (Gender stuff I guess… I am a girl :( )

”Raymond Buckland, in his book for the Buckland Romany tarot, mentions using a coin that belongs to the sitter, or maybe a ring or some other item that belongs to them, as significator. One of our members writes the sitter's question on a piece of paper which is then put under the spreadcloth during the reading and I think that works well as a significator, too.”
(Originally posted by Solitaire)
I am going to try the one with the piece of paper, it looks to me like a nice ritual, I will it “include” it in my readings :)

Thank you, guys!


Hello moderndayruth, if you look in the Using Tarot Card Index (post 3), you will find some threads asking this very question. I'm sure that there are also many other threads about this too.

I personally don't use significators but I have done in the past while I was testing out various methods of reading. If choosing them, I think it can vary depending on the deck you use and what the court cards look like or the impression they give at that time, which can also depend on your current mood.

It's also possible to pull two cards (not choose), one to represent the inner feelings and one for outer projections, and bring those into the reading. This was told to me when I first started to read face to face and I use it often.


Moonbow, woooow !!! I am not very good in "searching" AT :( I just checked the link you sent me... heh, heh, i am going to be busy studyng for some time (long time:) )
Thank you so much!
Lena Ruth


moderndayruth said:
With the Tarot of Prague I know it’s Page of Swords, but not sure with RWS. Wait, let me ask him… (her? )
King of Pentacles?! I do get him almost in every reading, but never thought he can represent me?! (Gender stuff I guess… I am a girl :( )

lol In almost every reading! See? And yeah, you could be any card in the deck.

You're welcome. Have fun with the new methods you try! :)