Chinese Writing Stones


As anyone worked with these and if so can you tell me about their energy?





Chinese Writing Stone is also known as porphyry. Porphyry is the term geologists apply to igneous rocks that consist of relatively large grains or crystals, called phenocrysts, surrounded by a finer grained material, usually called the groundmas. taken from

however when I work with other varieties of porphyry it works differently. The difference may may have to do with radial crystal pattern, or the ammount of various elemental material or ??

I have seen a HUGE Chinese Writing Stone - it was about 1m x 1m say half a person worth - and it 'pumped' energy out, it took a while for me to quieten my self to be able to listen to the stone...

In my experience - which may be different to other peoples..

I feel it enhances working with all forms of information (writing, singing, listening, speaking), transmission of information, theories, experience, and instruction with the added bonus of helping things move from idea to reality, a certian amount of Fairy Godmother enery if you like...

I look forward to hearing other peoples views :)



MCsea said:
I have seen a HUGE Chinese Writing Stone - it was about 1m x 1m say half a person worth - and it 'pumped' energy out, it took a while for me to quieten my self to be able to listen to the stone...

Whoa! :bugeyed: I would have like to experienced that myself!

I have a chrysanthemum stone; is this in the same family?



YES Bodhran,

the chrysanthemum stone has thos lovely HUGE radial crystals that look like flowers I found this - multiple "bursts" of celestite in black limestone.

Chinese Writing Stone is composed of light colored phenocrysts in a black basaltic background. I should really find more geological information on this to post..

If you ever make it to COWRA in New South Wales - Australia in the Japanese gardens there - thats where the porphyry is, it has 'chrysanthemum radiations' too.. it WAS AMAZING I cant wait to go back



Little Hare

Oh my i have fallen in love!!!! this stone is stunning :heart:


I'm in agreement the stone is fantastically beautiful. I was thinking about getting a chrysanthemum stone as my next purchase. But I will have to invest and investigate into this futher. Thanks for sharing :)


Chinese Writing Stone

peace_pixie said:
Oh my i have fallen in love!!!! this stone is stunning :heart:
I have one in the donut form and I just love it. I am getting a dragon bale pendant and putting my Chinese writing stone in it.
It has very wonderful energy coming from it.


If you keep an eye out on e-bay they often have some for not too much...
