I don't "feel" anything


Hi everyone,

Recently I invested in some beautiful crystals, as I wanted to explore using crystals to aid in healing.

I have spent a little bit of time with them and find them absolutely beautiful. When it comes to "feeling" though, there's nothing. It's hard to explain. Obviously I'm feeling the physical form of them, but nothing else. Maybe I'm expecting too much.

What's going on? Do I just need to spend more time with them?


What were you expecting to feel?

The energies in crystals are subtle.

Consider sound: "However, scientists and engineers use a wider definition of sound that includes low and high frequency vibrations in air that cannot be heard by humans, and vibrations that travel through all forms of matter, gases, liquids, solids, and plasmas."

There are many sounds you can't hear, because human ears simply aren't designed to be able to, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

Now, if we break everything down to its simplest form, all substance in simply tiny particles in constant motion, ie. vibration. Everything is simply vibration. Our bodies have a natural healthy vibration, but sometimes these energies get "out of tune." If you work with Chakras, the Chakras too have their own unique vibrations, that sometimes get out of whack. You use the crystals energy to re-balance your body's own natural vibrations.

Consider also emotions: hold a party in a room--walk into that room and there's a certain atmosphere, correct? Now take away the people--now the energy's gone. Now place people who are suffering from illness into the room--the "energy" of that room will change again. Again, vibration. And since crystals all have their own unique vibrations, this is why they can affect people's emotions.

First, you should clear your crystals--have you done that? Then charge them to enhance their natural energy. Some people program crystals, I prefer to work with their natural abilities. The differences may be subtle, so you have to learn to pay extra special attention to your emotions, pain, or whatever, before and after you "treat" yourself with crystals. Crystals work on the Body, Mind, and Spirit--we notice physical changes quickly, but have a hard time discerning and recognizing emotional and spiritual changes.

MANY people do not "feel" what you're looking for. Some people can only sense it with certain crystals. It is VERY subtle and something that you generally must learn to recognize. And often times, it's not a physical sensation, but simply and intuitive one. As in, you "just know."

Give 'em a chance. :)


Thank You, Somnilocus.

I really don't know what I expected from the crystals. I just read so much about the vibrations of the crystals and what people feel from their crystals. I do know the energies are subtle though.

I guess I'm just frustrated. I'm trying to find my thing. Some really love the tarot and understand it, some are mediums, some work well with healing, whether it be reiki, crystals or some other form. I'm just trying to find what works for me.


Sorry, "What did you expect?" sounded harsh, but I promise it was just an honest question.

It takes time for everyone to learn these things, and, quite honestly, it's something that, if you're serious about, you'll be doing the rest of your life. Keep at it, meditate with them and LET yourself feel their energy. When it comes to these things, forcing it never seems to work. Some people are naturally more inclined towards these things and have an easier time feeling the energies and understanding them, but even they have to learn.

You mentioned Reiki--do you practice it, or have you at least been trained in Level I? If so, there are actually exercises you can perform that are specifically designed to get you in touch with these energies on a physical level.

In fact, there are even certain stones/crystals that can you help you become more aware of them. :)

If you do Chakra work (or even if you don't--just search Google for Chakra healing meditations, or even YouTube), pay special attention to your Crown and Third Eye Chakras. You can even use your crystals to help open them.. :)


lol.. no, I didn't take it harshly at all.

Yes, I am Reiki I. But I haven't given that as much attention as it needs as it didn't feel like anything was happening either.

I know, I know... I need to learn a little patience, and determination. lol


That is extremely common with Reiki, especially during self-treatment. You should try using it with others, and get their feedback. Don't worry so much about the physical sensations which you're describing, worry about the end result--that is the proof.

You're right, you need to practice. In fact, you should self-treatment every day. You can use Reiki in so many ways every day, which will help you connect to the energy that much more and learn to recognize it: you can Reiki your food, which is said to help you absorb the nutrients and vitamins from it more easily. You can Reiki your water (read about Emoto's work! :) ). You can Reiki your shower so that the water is constantly being charge by Reiki...

Gassho is extremely important, and will help you a lot. Joshin Kokyu Ho as well. http://www.aetw.org/d_joshin.html

Practice whenever you can.

You can use Reiki to cleanse and charge you crystals, too, although it's easier in Reiki II (actually my teacher taught me a really useful technique which he designed, which you can give a try if you decide to go on to level II: the Distance symbol affects time/space, so in using it on your crystals, you can program it with the intent to keep the constantly charge, constantly receiving energy).

Edit -- I should also mention... the "energy" that most people feel... it's often just a way of describing a certain feeling or emotion that arises when they hold a certain crystal. I don't feel any "tingly buzz buzz" stuff when I hold a crystal. ;) But there are certain crystals that, when you're with, you can't help but "feel." Rose Quartz is one of them, for me. I love holding it. On top of the loving "energy" people attribute to it, I just find it relaxing and holding it gives you a deep sense of peace within.

What types of crystals did you get, by the way?


I love to look at them but they do nothign for me whatever. But I have tehm anyway because you never know --they might be doing things I can't sense !


Some people respond to crystals and interact with them in different ways.
Just because you don't "feel" anything..doesn't mean you can't work with them!

Ok...before I could sense, or feel them, I used a different approach (which gradually led to being able to feel the energies) which started out being much more intellectual.

I would sort my crystals, first by color, then by type, then by other characteristics...sometimes I didn't even know why I would group them together in certain ways...sometimes it seemed totally random.

But then, I began to look at them differently. I would start to anthromorphisize them.
I would name them (some just seemed more male, others more female...some had concept names...like Hope, or Destiny, or Bliss...)

and then I started to just talk to them.
Ok...I know it's a little weird...but I figured since I talk to faeries and angels and plants all the time...why not crystals too?

Maybe I was making up stories, maybe I was truly connecting witht he individual crystal's, energies ...but eventually, I really came to know them...almost like fictional characters in a story...

I began to sense which ones were damaged, which ones needed a lot of TLC...which ones wannted to work right away, and which seemed exhuberant, quiet, cold, trusting...

Ok...so you may feel stupid at first doing this...
But I can swear that it worked for me, very well!

And now, the energy I feel in crystals seems like the most natural thing in the world...because I made them my friends first! :D

(I no longer name every single crystal I get...but the big ones, or imporatnt ones...will eventually reveal their energies...and often personalities to me anyway!)


Do you just like to look at and play with your crystals? If so, you are feeling them. It's that simple.

On a clear day

With crystals I love like labradorite, rainbow moonstone I generally feel a sense of joy and pleasure with them nothing too electric-if that makes sense. BUT with ones I don't like or don't like me-well that's different!
Hematite makes me feels physically sick and Malachite just makes me miserable! Lol!
I think you will soon 'feel' something if it's not the crystal for you or the job! (In the nicest possible sense of course:)
