Third Eye and Tarot...


Hi, I'm new to this forum, so I don't know if my question fits in here...
I am pretty ignorant about The Third Eye. I've heard a little about it, but I don't really understand what it means... and I've heard a lot of people who associate it to Tarot, but I don't know why. Could somebody explain me some of this? Thanks :)


Third Eye

Here's my general answer. You have two physical eyes that you visually see the world with (or I assume you have two) . The third eye is a reference to the ability to see the supernatural (ex. the future, auras, etc.) The psychic eye if you will.... I am sure you will get alot of debate on this, because there is no ONE right answer. Hope this helps.


I agree with Shackles.

Basically, the third eye is just another sense, which perceives things the other five can't. You need to develop it to understand and contextualize the message of a tarot reading. It's the driving force behind "intuition".


The third eye is the sixth chakra. Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word for wheel, and, in Vedic medicinal systems, each chakra regulates different energies the body and psyche. This being so, any chakra could be said to pertain to some specific "psychic" functions. The thrid chakra (located at the solar plexus) for example, regulates one's sense of will, poer, and cofidence. It also regulates fear. So the third chakras psychic function would be "gut feelings" of danger.

The sixth chakra located int he center of the brow regulates vision, imagination, and symbolic/mythic thinking. Thus its psychic function would be flashes of insight (intuition) and prophetic dreams and visions. When this chakra is out of whack it's easy to get a headache. in fact, the majority of headaches can be cured by having someone send energy with their right hand through the front of your sixth chakra, and receive it through the back with their left, thus "clearing the channel." Don't tell Excedrin, it would put them out of business.

Love, understanding, and compassion ,


Matt describes it well. The 'third eye' is a symbol of being enlightened. of 'knowing', and this is why a lot of people connect the tarot to it. The third eye is often connected to people, (or used to describe people), who are psychic, and/or are able to divine. so any tool used for divining would be covered under the third eye.

If you want to know more about it, you should try to google "third eye". I'm sure alot of information will pop up for you then. I google everything that I'm curious about. It's a great way to learn about anything & everything!


I might do a websearch on stuff that I would like to know but first I ask people whom I think might know. The reason for this is that you don't know what quality of information you might get off the 'net.

However, as it has been stated, the Third Eye is where your physic powers come from. The link between the powers and the brow however is not a purely Indian thing, there are a couple of Celtic heroes who had third eye like powers... :)


Thank you all for clarifying this to me.
I wonder.... How can you open your Third Eye, is there a way, a practice, something?


Frannie said:
How can you open your Third Eye, is there a way, a practice, something?
Try opening a thread in Spirituality on the topic as you are a subscriber. :)


Thank you Marion, I did as you said.