I've officially lost it....


....and I'm beginning to wonder if I ever had it in the first place! :(

(I'm sorry Mods...should this be under Talking Tarot or Using Tarot Cards or?? Please move if needed.....)

Yep - as I'm sure many of you have guessed it, I'm doubting myself and ALL my decks. I think they're all on strike. Why?, you ask.....because I've neglected all of them for several weeks now. My subconcious tells me that they're all mad at me for not spending more time with them lately, and even my husband, just today, suggested that I start sleeping with them alternatively under my pillow again.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I have had a very difficult decision to aid my husband in during the past two days about which job he should choose.....the current one, or the one he was debating to accept a month ago and turned down for the current one!

He's very disturbed by the idea of giving his notice so soon after accepting his current job, but in only a month his boss has quit and to this day he is struggling just to make 40 hrs each week amongst the lack of organization and confusion within the company.

Anyway, the 2nd option he called back three weeks ago (letting them know of his current situation and the insecurity he feels with it) has just yesterday called him back and are offering the job to him. Yes, NOW he's having great difficulty deciding how to tell his current employer he wants to go (doesn't want to burn the bridge so to speak) and hopes to start working at the new place on Monday that he probably should have accepted in the first place three months ago. But...we haven't heard back from them so far today to confirm his acceptance, so that's adding to my husband's stress about giving VERY little notice to his current employer.....ugh!

My cards are NOT working with me no matter how I pose the question - random or prepared by a spread, with my husband involve OR with me just intervening for him. I feel like I'm losing touch with my cards and they're sure not interested in working with me lately!

How does one "fix" this type of situation???

Barbaras Ahajusts

The gift lies within you. The cards are your way of finding the direction in which you might look. They are only ink and paper. The gift lies within you.

If putting a deck under your pillow helps you, then by all means, do it! Do what it takes to get back to where you feel comfortable doing readings, again.

But giving them credit for your gifts isn't fair to you. They are your tools.

Best wishes,


Right. The cards are just cards. Sometimes we take a break from using our gifts. Summertime, for example--people like to be intellectually lazy but get out there and hike and swim, etc. Fall we go back to school, gear up our brains. If you're not up for working with psych/intuitive/cosmic powers these days, that's ok. You're not "abandoning" or "disappointing" or "insulting" your cards. They're just paper. You're taking a break! Enjoy it, and come back to tarot when you feel like it!


I'll go through periods when I look at the readings and they just seem...irrelevant. Every time. Every dack. I'm not communicating with the universe, I'm making small talk in the universe's elevator...

I usually turn to books and study tarot on a non-reading level, and/or meditate on meanings of cards for awhile. I stop trying to relate them solely to divination. That way, I still interact with them, and I even grow to appreciate them more.

In time, you'll feel "clear" and able to read, again. :) Don't feel bad.


I understand your frustration. And because you need the cards right now and they're not working, it makes it even worse. But just try to stay aware that it's your mental state that's making it difficult. Doing some calming and centering activities would be in order and then maybe you can use the cards more easily after that.

Blessings and healing thoughts sent your way. :heart:


LixiPixi said:
....and I'm beginning to wonder if I ever had it in the first place! :(

(I'm sorry Mods...should this be under Talking Tarot or Using Tarot Cards or?? Please move if needed.....)

Yep - as I'm sure many of you have guessed it, I'm doubting myself and ALL my decks. I think they're all on strike. Why?, you ask.....because I've neglected all of them for several weeks now. My subconcious tells me that they're all mad at me for not spending more time with them lately, and even my husband, just today, suggested that I start sleeping with them alternatively under my pillow again.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I have had a very difficult decision to aid my husband in during the past two days about which job he should choose.....the current one, or the one he was debating to accept a month ago and turned down for the current one!

He's very disturbed by the idea of giving his notice so soon after accepting his current job, but in only a month his boss has quit and to this day he is struggling just to make 40 hrs each week amongst the lack of organization and confusion within the company.

Anyway, the 2nd option he called back three weeks ago (letting them know of his current situation and the insecurity he feels with it) has just yesterday called him back and are offering the job to him. Yes, NOW he's having great difficulty deciding how to tell his current employer he wants to go (doesn't want to burn the bridge so to speak) and hopes to start working at the new place on Monday that he probably should have accepted in the first place three months ago. But...we haven't heard back from them so far today to confirm his acceptance, so that's adding to my husband's stress about giving VERY little notice to his current employer.....ugh!

My cards are NOT working with me no matter how I pose the question - random or prepared by a spread, with my husband involve OR with me just intervening for him. I feel like I'm losing touch with my cards and they're sure not interested in working with me lately!

How does one "fix" this type of situation???

Here's where I turn to my dreams & use of active imagination to reconnect. They will show me what I need to know.

A good readable book on the how-to is: _Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth_ by Robert A. Johnson.

The book demystifies & streamlines Jungian methods for non psychologist types.:grin:



LixiPixi said:
How does one "fix" this type of situation???

Ah, actually, LixiP, now I think of it, I think maybe there is good reason to put the cards aside now--You know more than you think.

Your intuition--and your heart--are telling you that the CARDS are NOT the way to work through this question about your husband's career and your family future. If the cards aren't helping you, that means there's another way to get to the answer, and maybe just let him work it out himself IS the answer.


Thank you all for your responses and encouragment - I like the idea of calming and centering activities. The moment I read that, something clicked and I realized that could most definitely be my problem.

LP~ :*


I generally can't read about important things for myself or people close to me (family and stuff)
I can't find the necessary detatchment from the question, because the ansew is too important to me.
I bias the result with how I conciously and subconciously want it to turn out.


Lillie said:
I generally can't read about important things for myself or people close to me (family and stuff)
I can't find the necessary detatchment from the question, because the ansew is too important to me.
I bias the result with how I conciously and subconciously want it to turn out.

Isn't that the truth! I find some things I can read with success, but some of the deeper, more important issues, forget it. That's a shame too, because it's the more important ones that I need answers to the most :(