Tarot readers and Psychics


Has anyone ever felt that Tarot Readers and psychics have this little "war" of who is better? The two are very closely related in the work we do, and often people think Tarot readers are psychics but we are all not. Our culture put Psychics to fame but not tarot readers, I have seen countless Psychics on tv shows, but tarot readers are still put down some what. I guess because psychics are not limited to the cards, they dont have to use a deck of cards and makes the reading process faster? I would think so, Has anyone seen Sylvia Bronwe on Montel she zips through questions, Image if their was a Tarot Reader, it would take longer. I feel sometimes that they are better than us or they think they are. I am a Proud Tarot reader....... OMG That would a Great bumper Sticker! "PROUD TAROT READER"" or "PROUD TO BE A TAROT READER"

Tiro DvD

I somewhat agree that there is a greater popularity in err popular media for psychics. They are faster which means "better" in the stereotypical Modern Western culture.

I would also say that Psychics are more user-friendly since it can tie in with more thoughts such as New Age, Eastern philosophies, psychiatric theories, alternatives medicines, etc. The Tarot is very concrete unique medium that cannot be hidden as a slightly modified conventional thought, process, ideology, etc.


I agree, it's probally because of the "showbiz factor" psychics have, if you were a producer which would rather have on your show, a person who can channel a ghost, or someone sitting at a table drawing out cards and reading them. (I mean no offence to Tarot Readers, I am one too, but that's what those producers might say)

Nocturnal Lure

Battle of the diviners...


I was not aware that there was actually a "war" between the two. Actually many Tarot readers I know are also mediums. I personally feel the two skills combine very well. The cards show the path and the perspective, the psychic abillities help delve deeper into the problem.

Few years ago I had an allround psychic consult (for the fun of it actually) with a palm reading an aura photo, a tarot reading and a healing, with the psychic red line running thrue it all. It was a wonderfull experience and it showed me the vallue of trying to become a multi skilled divener/ psychic.

When I go to the store because I am going on a camping trip I would like and expect to find all things cencerning camping to be in one store, with a shopkeeper who knows his way around tents, gas-cookers, flashlights and backpacks. If I had to go to different shop attendants or even different shops for each of the items I would need, I'd get very frustrated, very quickly. Why would a spiritual consultant, or whatever you want to call it, want to be any different?

Of course there are specialists, like there a stores that are specialized in all sorts of tents, but I would definately vote for multi-skilled consultants/ psychics.

Now when one group would be rivaling the other what would we gain? But then again, that question might be bigger then just this subject.

The crowned one

I thought they went hand in hand.

Little Hare

The crowned one said:
I thought they went hand in hand.
that's a huge debate ;)

For me the tarot card triggers off my clairvoyance and clairaudience... yes i will get them when i don't use the cards, but the cards act as a focus and help me channel.

I can understand what you are saying alpha-omega. I recently got very annoyed when reading one of Rita Roger's ( Who is an 'internationally respected medium') books 'soul mates' at the back she talks about different methods i.e Palms astrology, crystal balls and then tarot.

She says the following about tarot "I am afraid that I am not a great believer in the power of the Tarot. If you have your cards read more than once the likelihood of you getting the same pattern of cards is tiny. This means that your future will be different, which doesn't add up to me" (Pg 232-233. Pan Books)

When i read that i actually had to put the book down and take a walk outside and wonder why the comment p*ssed me off so much ;)

To me there is not so much a war, but a differing of opinions.... (although the media doesn't help). People fear what they are ignorant off...


A lot of mediums do use cards. Some Mediums do feel that Mediumship is superior to anything else. I feel it all works well together. My goal is to refine the abilities I have and develop the ones I don't. So far, so good. With practice, anyone can develop any of the psychic/Mediumship abilities that are already there. We all have them, some just are at different levels of realization.

Read your cards proudly, you may not think you are psychic, but I think everyone is to some degree.




I've noted more that some seekers feel that psychism is superior to Tarot. But I'm not sure I could say this about the professed psychics because I get a good percentage of my business from professed psychics who insist that they won't read for themselves.

And I have tried a few of their readings for me - I don't personally see a difference. Not even in speed (of course, I can be quite fast). I have had some rather slow Tarot readings done for me, and some that were so non-specific and outright misses that my only explanation was that the person performing the readings didn't really know the cards very well. And that's where the difference comes in as I understand it. When a seeker hires a Tarot reader they are not only hiring a connection to higher knowledge/wisdom sources but an interpreter. Psychics don't need to interpret so much many times (although sometimes they do).

And btw, I think Syliva Brown is a crock. But, hey, that's just my opinion. For her to whip out "Yes, dear. Definitely yes." as the answer on Montel's show to an audience member's question has shown me no psychic ability. But this isn't my opinion of all so-called psychics.


I don't know who Montel or Sylvia Browne are ???

I've not noticed any kind of war in Europe.... although I think if anything (and this is just my perception) people hold tarot in higher regard. It is more acceptable, I think, to say that you consulted a tarot reader than a medium or psychic.

Prehaps this is peculiar to American culture, but not so much to other cultures?


It doesn't have to be a contest. Some tarot readers are as psychic as a brick but still terrific readers. And as you say, over here we don't use the word "psychic" so often.