Taroting crystals


I wanted to get a feel for my crystals individually, beyond what I've read about them, so I'm drawing a couple cards for each. I'd choose a crystal, and pick 2 cards, one for what I can use it best for and the other for its energy level. I started with the bowl I keep a stone for each chakra in. So far....

(I used the Llewellyn since it's earthy but mythical, felt perfect to use them on crystals.)

Bloodstone: Knight of Pentacles/ 6 of Cups

It is a physical stone, maybe the knight means its a speedy worker? Wheat in the background- food/digestion, grounded stone, wholesome.
6 of cups- gentle energy

Smoky Quartz: Knight of Wands/ Queen of Swords

Not as dependable as I thought smokies were, uplifting/breakaway like the knight. Queen- nurturing, sword- cutting away blocks

Citrine: 8 of Wands/ Hermit

Pulled the 8 of Cups and 4 of Swords first, then these. Wands-more pickup than cups. Someone carries a lantern in the 8 of Cups, like the Hermit. The Cups is such a sad card for a citrine. But, the 8's together seem like motivation, realizing and moving on. Quiet stone, lantern clears away murkiness.

Rose Quartz: Chariot/ 7 of Swords

On the first pull, got the Magician and 4 of Cups. Maybe a stone I should work more closely with. The majors surprised me, rose quartz always seemed quiet. Though the purpose of this is to get a sense of each stone with its own individual personalities. Maybe this is to get my attention like, "Look what I can do!".
The 4 and 7 seem resigned, maybe clearing away hangups to make room for the power in the majors.

I'll keep adding more crystals as I go along. Please let me know what you think.


rusky_svet, do you use rose quartz for the herth chakra? I am not an connossier, but maybe the cards were also hinting on which areas you can focus your attention when working with chacras?
btw, thank you for the inspiration, i have a lot of semi-precious stones at home that i am not sure what i can use them for, this is a great idea to ask the Tarot for guidance :)
mdr xx


Hey ruth,
I don't work on chakras regularly, it's something I'm just starting. I probably do neglect the upper chakras, since I've been into the colors of the lower one, reds and oranges. Those majors were hinting at some tlc for the heart.


I did the drow you suggested for an amazing crystal that i basically use as a "sopramobile" and my Tarot of Prague told me...
what I can use it best for - The Hierophant;
and for its energy level - 10 of cups, which is awasome, because this are some of the cards that are like most special for me :)
i hope you'll be posting as you progress in "knowing " you crystals :)
Thank you for the inspiring thread


Great idea. I think I'll try it.

But why did you make an additional pull in some cases?


I pulled a second card with each to see if its energy is low or needs cleansing. But I've been reading it along with the first, like if it's a gentle stone or not. It adds to the other.