Computer readings


I don't know about anyone else...but I like computer readings...

by which I mean the kind where a computer program will randomly choose some cards from some deck and then give you a quick text interpretation.

I like doing these occasionally for myself, because if the program is decent,and the meanings are sound then it beats trying to lay out cards for myself and getting nowhere fast because I am not being objective enough.

It's why I generally like oracles for my own readings too.
There is a bit of the "bibliomancy" kind of divination quality to these. I read the words, or I look at the picture...and everything is defined and clear. I don't have to necessarily go through my own list of interpretations (although...I certainly can if I want to confuse myself more! :D)

Does anyone else like these?
Do you have a favorite site?

I just discovered, quite by accident...that Aeclectic has one of those random readers...which showcases cards from the fourth AT community deck!

How cool is that?

I just had a pretty amazing and profound reading, too.

In fact I'm sitting here being quite stunned by the acuracy at the moment.


I have a demo version of the Tarot of Dreams, and even though it is majors only (something I usually abhor), I adore it. I like using online ones that I stumble across, too. There's this feeling of true randomization that makes synchronicity and relevance even more rewarding.

And yes, yes, I *will* get the Tarot of Dreams. I shall get to it. Will have to settle for my Gilded, for now. ;)


chronata, awhile ago, I checked that out, but either it was down, and not working, or I just did not know what I was doing. I never checked back until tonight, after reading your post. I asked my question and had a 3 card reading--and wow! it was accurate! Now, I just hope the last card is as accurate and it turns out as well as the reading indicates! :D


Marion said:
I have quite a list of them, but this is my fav, both for the beauty of the cards and because I like the write-ups.

I just used Gaian to ask a question for a friend (with permission) and was absolutely STUNNED at the accuracy.

Thank you for sharing the site. I have saved it to favorites.



lol! I just tried the Gaian one for a situation I did a couple of (inconclusive) readings about yesterday. Of course, I got the same cards again just now. lmao!

Anyway, yes, I use online ones now and then.

There's that someone here posted, and also which has some oracles on... I've only tried a couple but they worked for me.

I just realized the other day that one site I used to get tarot readings on years and years ago is still online: Didn't have much time to play around with the tarot part so not sure how accurate it is. The yes/no and coin flip seem to work pretty well. lol

Also, gives very good ones.

I only used it once long time ago but as I recall Leila Vey's site gave me an accurate reading.

Oh, and I got a reading once with the world spirit tarot that was good... from the Llewellyn site. I don't have that one bookmarked though.

Kind of makes me wonder again about those past life oracles online. lol :D I tried a couple of them a while back. They didn't seem totally off the wall, but kind of jokey. Maybe I should give them more credence!

Another thing I've been doing lately is using sites that show the whole deck for testing decks think I might like to buy. I close my eyes and randomly choose, whatever the mouse lands on is what I draw. It works well. They always concur with readings I do by hand with decks I already own. :D


I like

You can do so much over there and it is fun when you want to play by yourself rather than pull out decks etc.

I have gotten some excellent readings over there.


I have done a few computer readings too. Some of them have been accurate, others haven't. I used to spend a lot of time playing over at Facade. I'm glad someone reminded me of it!


Satori said:
I like

You can do so much over there and it is fun when you want to play by yourself rather than pull out decks etc.

I have gotten some excellent readings over there.
i just went on this site and had a rune reading it's very interesting thanks for the link!