Feeling blocked



Has anyone had that feeling of being blocked and they just can't read? I'm trying to read at the moment and I just can't. Maybe I've just overread on a situation.

Has anyone else had this?



For me, there sometimes does come a point where my brain just says, "Enough already!" and then I have to take a little rest. I was upset and worried about it in the early days. Now I know that if I just put the cards aside and don't try to read for a little while, the feeling passes. :) I seldom get to that point anymore, though, because I guess I've found my "groove".


Sure have!! Just last night as a matter of fact. Some very distressing news came out that threw me for a loop. Fortunately I have some extraordinary friends on this site that tried to calm me down. But I had a reading scheduled for last night and had to cancel it, because I couldn't think straight. I rescheduled for today and it went fine, but believe me there are times when you do block yourself. best thing in the world IMO is to just find that sopot that you are most calm in and get there and relax. Put everything out of your mind. For me, a goodnight's sleep did the trick but in the morning, I took a walk on the ocean to clear my head completely.



I'm glad others have been in the same boat. I think mine has been due to tiredness and just over reading in general. I kept asking questions about an ex and now can't read on other things. Feel like I have lost my knack!


Yes! I'm sure that when we try to over-read on any topic (and I am equally sure that we have ALL done that on occasion!), soon, the cards seem meaningless. I guess it's really our psyches rebelling and saying, "ENOUGH, already!"

So, yeah, guilty as charged here, too. :D