RWS icons?

Amanda B

Hello, everybody!

I am planning a Tarot workshop for October. I plan to start with an icebreaker, a Tarot version of "Who am I", taping cards (or copies) to people's backs and letting them ask other participants yes or no questions to figure out who they are, thus giving a quick intro to the cards and some of their qualities. However, at least some of the participants will have no prior knowledge of the cards and will be guessing blindly unless they have a guide. What I'm looking for is something I could print on the computer of small but legible copies of the cards all on one sheet, or maybe 2 max. My daughter finds these Pokemon icons all on one sheet on the internet and copies them. I'm looking for something like that. Another option would be something larger, perhaps posted on the wall (or maybe several posters). I would prefer something that participants could carry around with them, though.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!
Amanda B


I know that there is a Marsielle tarot font out there - I used to have it. There might be a RWS one... then there is the page on lessee if I can find the link...
Ah, here it is!

you can download the whole RWS in B&W there. I suppose you could use something to color them before printing, or just print them out on different colored sheets of paper.


Amanda B

Hi, Sravana!

I just went to the link. It printed the cards on 2 separate sheets, but I think that if I use a legal size sheet of paper it could work. Thanks for the suggestion!

Amanda B


You're welcome... ;) I'd not tried printing them out before, interesting what happened...