Tarot in Vogue!


What kind of ridiculous sh@# is that all about!

Are they mocking Witchcraft?


I think they are just seeing it as something "shocking" and sexy - I doubt they've thought further. It's totally ridiculous of course but I do find it interesting that they show tarot at all.


And what deck is it anyway, I remember seeing it before but it isn't a "common" Marseille, is it? Is it the IjjSwiss?


I honestly am speechless.


People should be ashamed to show their ignorance like that.

Of course, they should be ashamed of those purple pants, too!!!

And the gold breastplate! Talk about a fashion statement (but what is it saying exactly?) Oh, yeah, "I'm an idiot!"


Yes, by the time I got to the goat shot I was helpless with laughter.

Elly Magritte

I thought the goat was the best dressed of them all!

le fey

bwah! Ok, no one but Satan could have made those pink pants with the five mile long crotch and hands.


I'm seriously wondering about the intentions behind this... Didn't they consider that someone could take offence? And, perhaps, sue them? It is Vogue after all, the fashion magazine... I know it's about fashion, but isn't it supposed to prove that fashion isn't about being shallow and, let's say it people - stupid?