Gypsy Witch


I was thinking about getting the Gypsy Witch deck, and I was reading some reviews on it and they all kept saying that they are dangerous for the novice. Why is that? Or is it just some crazy people talking out of thier you know what? lol


Cos it's fortunetelling? I'm not wild about the deck (Lenormands and sibillas are prettier), but it's basically a 52-card Lenormand/Sibilla deck, just the pictures aren't as nice - IMO.

Or possibly because it's being printed in Italy now and has that carbona-not-glue smell that never goes away?

No idea other than that, really.


It depends on what you are looking for.
This is a deck for those willing to do fortune telling.
It's not its aim to give you psychological insights nor "love & light" messages.
This deck is for predicting future events. If you are looking for this, go for it!
Personally I really like it.
By the way, the Italian print is matter of tastes, some hate it, personally I like a lot the glossy and resistant cards and their smell of "new deck" too


i agree w/easyboy82. i like this deck. i don't own it myself, but know someone who does. if i ever do see it in the store, i will most likely purchase it for myself. it is a great little cartomancy deck. from what i've seen online too, it's very inexpensive to boot. buy it! enjoy it!