Flowers Speak


I just recently purchased this oracle and did my first reading with it, this morning. I really love the gentle artwork and detail, but also love the meanings on each card and it works well for a mind, body, spirit reading. I guess my only gripe is that some of the cards have different backs. Overall, though I love the deck. Any other fans out there with any experience using this deck?

6 Haunted Days

I've had this deck for quite some time, and it's a hidden gem :) The artwork is just colourful and alive. Very gentle, soothing and wonderful to use when full of anxiety and stress, the perfect pick-me up. I love the many catagories she has between the cards. The guidance ( different parts of a flower) and energy cards are great for very specific questions. I too do not like how the energy cards are yellow when the rest are purple, not sure what she was thinking about that.

I find this deck great for very personal and emotional readings and meditations. do you have the large book? It's very detailed and gives many in-depth insights/meanings and suggested ways of healing. I love the poems in the beginning of each entry, she's a talented wordsmith. The affirmations are great too, along with the "meeting" of each flower at the end.

Part IV The easy to use reference guide is perfect, everything summed up in one part, great to flip too for quickie readings. The suggested spreads are very insightful.

all in all, as far as companion books go, this is one of the very best. well worth it, and I think essential to the deck. This oracle is one of those neglected ones, you rarely hear anyone talking about it or using it....not sure why. I very much recommend it :)

eta: I thought I would point out it's The Flower Speaks, not The Flowers Speak (the name you have in your heading) lol. For months when I got this deck I thought it was that too, and nothing would come up when I did a search for it. Then I finally looked at the title :laugh: