Clearing stagnant energy


I'm going to have an opportunity in the next few days to "clear" my house of some stagnant energy that's been hanging around... leaving most of the inhabitants feeling rather lethargic and, at times, a bit grumpy. I would like to be able to move the energy either out, or just around... to revitalize the place as it's started to feel like the house itself has taken to being lazy... if that makes sense at all! lol

I've been told to use a smudge stick and to clap in the corners to clear any energy that might be sitting stagnant there... but I'm not quite sure I'll be able to go and buy a smudge stick as the next week is looking quite busy for me!

I was thinking that going through the house and opening the curtains/windows, opening the doors, clapping in the corners, and lighting candles... all while saying a prayer to remove any stagnant/negative energy and to infuse the house and all it's inhabitants with light and love and protection might be a step in the right direction... I know that I may have to go through with a smudge stick in the near future, but could the method I've described above work? Would it cause more harm than good?

Any advice is appreciated.



Sage isn't essential IMO. You could use incense if you want.

Can you get some sea salt to put across the thresholds and in the corners?

Also, you can use a bell instead of/in addition to the clapping.

I do not believe that what you suggest could be harmful.


ETA: I knew there was another recent thread on the subject so I went looking for it to refer you to it...and found that you had started it:


You need to do a through spring clean, open all doors and windows, let the sun shine in. Get rid of all unnecessary clutter and rubbish, sweep, a brush is good for getting rid of stagnant energy and clearing dirty corners, clean and polish, bring a sparkle back into your home. Then burn incense in the kitchen, living room and bedrooms.


willowfox said:
You need to do a through spring clean, open all doors and windows, let the sun shine in. Get rid of all unnecessary clutter and rubbish, sweep, a brush is good for getting rid of stagnant energy and clearing dirty corners, clean and polish, bring a sparkle back into your home. Then burn incense in the kitchen, living room and bedrooms.

WF, you said it. It's amazing what happens when you just move stuff around, clear around the little bits and pieces and do a bit of a shuffle. I worked for a time in a retail gift store, where we sold thousands of tiny little things. Sometimes, things wouldn't sell for ages and ages . . . I've always thought that moving things to clear the energy will help to draw attention to them, so I suggested it to the manager, we did it, and presto! they started walking out the door. Every time.

It's a big deal. Smudging around piles of accumulated lifestyle debris won't get to the core of the matter. Clearing out will. A good purge is always in order!

\m/ Kat

Aunia Kahn

I think I have an addiction to purging and cleaning.

I love to move things around.

I do it about ever 3 months, if that long. My husband is always
afraid he will kill himself in the dark because you never know what might have found a new home.

I smudge and do in incense, I like the idea of incense becuase I can use the smells to move the energy. When I clean I like to you lavendar, and orange. They seem to have a fresh smell.

I am also a fan of opening all the windows, doors and such and taking a feather duster and going over them. It's soft and lights and feels nice.