Ethics of Tarot


a good friend of mine just recently started reading, and was asking me questions. anyways, one question that came up was "what are the ethics of tarot reading?" i told him my views on it, which are:

-dont read to look into someone esles life for personal gain
-dont read for relationships (unless absolutly needed or you are sure about you relationship because ive seen it get really ugly)

but those were the only two i could think of, so i was wondering if anyone had anything else to add


I'm a member of TABI (Tarot Association of the Brititsh Isles) so I personally adhear to these ethics:

(Sorry mods if I'm not allowed to post external links here :eek:)

Blessings to you all.
na cuidbhle tionndaidh


Tarot reading is not a regulated profession, so I think ethics are down to personal choice. Unfortunately, that means there will always be a minority of people who tend against the more conventional ethics of how to treat people. Good question!!!


i agree that ethics are down to the person themselves, and yes sadly there are icky people out there...

thats another thing; im trying to put out "guide" if you will, of the basic ethics and so on (because ive never found one and i think that it would help people who are starting out). so im looking for people to post thier opinions and see what they all have to say ^_^


Poetic_Pirate said:
thats another thing; im trying to put out "guide" if you will, of the basic ethics and so on (because ive never found one and i think that it would help people who are starting out). so im looking for people to post thier opinions and see what they all have to say ^_^

I think a starter guide would be a good idea, but such a mammoth task. An interesting question might be, who would make the decisions about which principles to include/exclude??? What one person might see as ethically unnacceptable, another might not. For example, someone who reads tarot for purposes of psychological development may view those who use tarot for psychic purposes as charlatans (which is so NOT my view, but just trying to make a point!!) -- so, what would happen in that situation?



I don't have any ethics about tarot.

I'll read for whatever I want.

I suppose there are some things I don't want to know about, or am not interested in, but these are nothing to do with tarot, just how I feel about stuff in general.

If no one did relationship readings, 90% of all readings wouldn't happen.


How would you deal with...

Lillie - interesting answer :)
So, what if some young 17 year girl came to you and said: "So-and-so's just dumped me - will he come back to me?!"

What would you do then? How would you deal with that? :)

Blessings to you all.
na cuidbhle tionndaidh


Centaur said:
who would make the decisions about which principles to include/exclude???

that is an excellent point. that is why i feel you must include everything, and point out that it is guidelines, not rules. if you feel you must go against them, then that is personal choise, and you must be willing to accept all (if any) karmic reprecussions.


Xara said:
Lillie - interesting answer :)
So, what if some young 17 year girl came to you and said: "So-and-so's just dumped me - will he come back to me?!"

LOL i get so many of those. that is one reason why i try to stay away from reading for relationships hehe. i mean, you cant tell if someone loves you, so you cant really tell them if they are going to come back to you. and if the cards say yes and the guy said no, then youre kinda boned heheh


Poetic_Pirate said:
LOL i get so many of those. that is one reason why i try to stay away from reading for relationships hehe. i mean, you cant tell if someone loves you, so you cant really tell them if they are going to come back to you. and if the cards say yes and the guy said no, then youre kinda boned heheh

Hi Pirate :)

Well, taking this from my stand-point, there's the following issues I have with such a request:

1) the querent is under 18 (against TABI rules for Free Readings anyway, most Pagan shops if they don't have parental consent and I'm not comfortable reading for someone who isn't of legal age);
2) the question isn't about themselves, it's about someone else, who isn't there;
3) it's predictive (and I have never found that the Tarot works well in those situations)

Now, assuming that a parent did give permission, I'd rephrase the question to something like:
what does X need to know about her relationship with Y?
That way;
a) it's more empowering for the young querent
b) it's not reading into Y's mind (poor chap!)
c) it's not predicting what will / will not happen

How's that work for you? :)

Blessings to you all.
na cuidbhle tionndaidh