Does this ever happen?


Occasionally it feels like few if any of the cards in a particular spread are "clicking." They just don't make sense. Of course I tend to assume that I'm missing something, but I have to ask if it's possible to simply get a "wrong" (bad, incorrect, not true) reading-- perhaps due to not concentrating very well while asking the question or some other factor. Does this ever happen? If this DOES happen, what are some things that might lead to it happening?


I think it does happen. It's like turning on the TV with no signal...just white noise that doesn't particularly mean anything. I find that if I don't really clarify the question to myself I get this white noise reaction. So far, this only has happened when doing readings for myself. When reading for other people, especially those I don't know well, I don't ever usually have that problem.

Sometimes I guess it's just not time for the cards to be read.


I wanted to also say that it's kind of like when you have a crazy dream. I really don't believe that every single dream you have means something profound or prophetic. Sometimes it's just nonsense or your mind amusing itself. Sometimes the cards placed are just there with no particular message. That's the breaks I guess! :)


Most definitely. There's probably a million reasons that might happen.


This is my own personal opinion, but when I'm not getting the cards, it's my head that is in the wrong space and it would have to be in blinking neon lights to get me to figure it out... and maybe then I still wouldn't get it, since Sherlock Holmes I am not. I can miss the most obvious message because I cannot look at them objectively and have a brain freeze.

So if it answers much differently than my own expectations or hopes or fears or whatever it is, I am at a total loss. I can't decide if I'm seeing them the way they are meant to be read or reading them based on whatever slant my emotional/mental state is in.

A lot depends on the fear/risk factor of the question, a lot of it depends on how much I want something to be or not to be or how I worded my question. If I'm being clueless when asking the question, often as not, the answer seems even more so.
The brain freeze... how much do we want to Not know? Every now and then I just stop reading for a little while, because I don't think I want to know and just be surprised, even when it's being taken by surprise. How much do we really need to know and how much do we know already and don't want to go eye to eye with it?
It's not the cards, it's us.


This sometimes happens to me for a variety of reasons. One is that if I'm very tired, or not concentrating and focused enough. If not tiredness, then an agitated emotional or mental state will confuse the outcome of the cards.

Sometimes this can happen if you're simply not meant to get any help with a particular issue.

Sometimes it's my gguides getting annoyed with me asking questions that I either know the answer too, or shouldn't be asking!

Or, there may be a hidden pattern to the chaos which will make sense later.


Em xxx


related questions...

I feel reassured that I am not the only one for whom this happens at least occasionally! I have found also that this "freeze" tends to happen when I'm reading for myself, but I have also had it with alarming consistency when I try to read for my mother. Is it possible to be too close to someone to read for them? I typically have very good success in reading for myself, especially when I'm open, receptive and generally in a good place spiritually and psychologically; however, I think that one's closest family members might put up defenses and simply not want to be "read" too accurately, even if they are verbally saying, "Oh please do a reading for me about..." My closest, lifelong friend is closer to me than pretty much anyone else on the planet, but overall she is an extremely private person; she has her own private world where even I cannot tread (and her husband certainly can't, sadly). She's always been this way. So, when I read for her, sometimes it clicks and other times I really do feel a "wall" that is preventing a truly insightful reading. Is she putting up that wall, or am I? Can the person for whom you are reading do that (block the energy), if he or she is not feeling open to hearing any truths at that moment?

white ace

personal experience and practice..

This kind of cases happened to me too.

And this is the way how i dealt with it:

I use to do a Today Forecast(3 cards spread) for myself on every morning, and then I would followed by asking this question - Is today favorable/able to do reading for others(3 cards spread)? It usually connected to the early spread answer. When, I got 2 Rv. cards out of 3 or totally 3 Rv. cards then I would off for that day. It had given me the reason why I should take a break.

Just like 2day, I did 2 spread and it all came back the same thing - my feelings and emotions not performing well in reading with most cups over turned or it simply means - even though I got the cards in front of me but I just can't get the feeling right to interpret it; since most of my interpretation was based on intuition and wisdom from higher self. With these 2 spread, I straight away call 2day my off. Hopefully, it will not take few more days coz my clients gonna wait like crazy. If they are desperate then I will do a prayer and ask God for His grace to let it be done, for this glory belongs to Him.

Just my 2 cents sharing ;)


Sometimes when I face such a situation, I always randomly pull one card from the deck to tell me whether the cards have come out "right" or not. If it's a more "positive card" (say Sun, Star, 2 of Cups, Ace of Wands, etc etc), I take it as if the cards have come out "right", and I just need to look at them in a different manner... else if it's a more "negative card" (say Moon, Tower, 10 of Swords, etc etc), I take it as if I need to re-shuffle and re-do the spread. Sometimes I even check with my Pendulum.


My personal belief is that all cards that come up always have meaning and are trying to tell you something the universe needs you to know. I don't beleive a "wrong" card can come up.

If a card does not seem to make sense at the time of a reading, in my experience, it's always been one of two things. It sometimes has happened to me that a card made no sense a the time, but months later when I looked back at the reading it truly was the perfect answer. In my experience, this happened because my usual way of contemplating the situation was not 100 % accurate and the truth did not fit into it. At the time of the reading I was like a horse wearing blinders. I could not see outside my usual way of thinking, and the real truth fell outside of that. And so I was not yet able to understand it fully.

OR second scenario...the cards sometimes give you info that was not in your original queston. Sometimes if you are meant to know something, you will be told whether or not it is part of your question. But it is always something you were meant to know.

Like once I did a spread about my what I needed to know about my job, about job perfomance and if I should quit.... I got lot of cards indicating love and romance.

I was like "Huh?" How does that fit into my question, I did not ask about that AT ALL? At the time I was seriously wondered if the wrong cards had come up, and it was truly hard to make them fit the question I asked. And there was certainly no one at all there at my job whom I could even potentially love, even if that were part of the answer.

BUT THEN, less than two weeks later, a man showed up at work that I fell deeply in love with and two years later we still have all those romantic feelings for each other. So that happens sometimes, the cards will tell you something that is unrelated to the question you asked, if they think you need to know.

To, me I think the cards that come up are always relevant and have something to tell you, just you may not understand immediately and/or the message can sometimes be unrelated to the question you ask.

Those have been my experiences,

Although I should say that it can also happen, if you ask the exact same question, over and over and over again that the cards stop cooperating. Because you already know the answer and there is nothing served by answering again. Just like if someone asked you the exact same question over and over and over, you'd get pretty bored with answering. But when you learn not to do that anymore in Tarot and to have faith in what you are told and to respect the sources that you believe sends you the answers...then that is no longer a problem and you can trust that what you are told is truth.
