OOps on oracle deck..big Oops!


I did a big oops today with this deck. Mums at work and the post came. I told the guy ok not expecting anything just leave it on the doorstep. me being a complete doofus opened the door and the package. it was addressed to me for some reason so...I thought ok then.

Peeling it back..my mouth dropped open..there was the Avalon Wisdom deck. I've ttried to seal it back up as best as possible but, now I know what my xmas present is. I feel abit gutted ...I'm thrilled to bits as I had been super super hinting on these to my mum and showed her the website. The box btw is a lot bigger than expected...the cards must be big then.

so do I lie...or do I own up...or will she spot the ripped packaging.

and on the day Go "Oh wow I didn't expect this lol!"

Or shall I sit and say "yes, ta v much with a depressed look on my face and pout all day."


I don't think you'll have to fake your delight when you start looking through the cards - they are lovely! :D I wouldn't say anything to your mom unless questioned; this way she still gets to be excited about giving you the deck.



Thanks Bodhran. Im staying in this room as close to the computer as possible. I feel proud of my mum for doing this for me.
I am really happy with the cards though it's sweet as my mum finds it hard to buy tarot or oracles for me but she has always been supportive of me.
I appreciate your reply and now i'm just itching to get my hands on the deck lol. I'll be counting the days away.


Awww, that was sweet.
As Bodhran says!
And hey...you should be very careful opening packages to you you weren't expecting. You know, evil exes and all...Ok, that's just me being paranoid. Take care, and enjoy! :) :) :)


I'd give it to your mom and say, "I saw it was addressed to me, so I opened it... but I believe I opened a Christmas present." She should understand and take it from there.:)


Or if she doesn't notice that its been opened then on Christmas act surprised and delighted that she got it for you. Maybe you could hand her the package and tell her that you started to open it but then you realised that it might be a present because you haven't ordered anything.

You might disappoint her if she knows you've already opened it especially if its not the kind of thing she usually does.

I once had this happen when I lived at home, Mom had ordered me some expensive perfume and the package came when she was at work, it was addressed to me so I opened it, then I realised it was a birthday present. I sealed it back up and then told Mom that I hadn't ordered anything so I didn't open it - any deceit I was feeling evaporated when I saw how pleased she was when I opened this package on my birthday and found the bottle of expensive perfume that I'd been saving up to buy.

Sometimes little white lies don't hurt anyone.

Little Hare

Go with your gut sweetie :hearT:

What i never get though is why people order christmas presents (or gifts) for people and don't get it addressed to them.....

anyways i'm so glad that your mum did get you something that you will love!


You say nothing, you saw nothing, and as the postal service can be such rubbish at times, a ripped package is normal.