Sleepy reader


Do you feel tired or sleepy after reading cards?
I feel really tired,my head seems to me like a balloon of fog.
I'm the onlyone with this feeling?

P.S) I don't use strage kind of incenses... :p



Only after really large and in depth spreads, like the Celtic Cross. Are you also using big spreads? I think too much of those would wear me down.


Yes , it happens after big spreads.
My energies seems to vanish.
It is not a nice sensation.
I wonder if I can do something.


You could try to eat something - like bread, potatos, carrotes...something 'earthly'. It'll help you to 'ground' and feel less weak.

After long reading, with bigger spreads, i tend to get a headache. Only veeery deep readings make me feel drained. I guess it's not that uncommon, since the tarot reading somewhat work with energies...


I used to get tried, but now I dont until i start doing reading after reading.

I had my first productive pendulum practice.... I was wiped!

I guess like strengthening any part of your body- train! And take care of your self. ^_^

Just like getting used to 90 min classes, or running a mile, or writing 500 words, the more you do it the stronger you become and the less it takes out of you.


Even I feel really sleepy and tired after a really long reading and always take a short nap to refresh myself. I always go for a nice hot bath after a long reading and it always energizes me.


A long heavy reading can leave me feeling drained. I think the grounding and eating advice here is very good to follow.


From time to time yes, but I can't explain why


I'll curl up in a ball after a reading. And when I use my angel guidence board for too long I get sick feeling >.>;


If I read for myself, I tend to feel tired and drained afterwards. I think it makes me sleep and allows my subconsious to take the tarot message on board.

If I read for others, about 30 min afterwards I'm absolutely buzzing, almost overflowing with energy.
Unless I try to read for too many people in a day. Then I get a headache and feel ill.