Newbie question


newbie question

Hi everyone

I was skimming through this thread and figured this was the best place to ask this question since i am a newbie to reading and this forum i ask you the more experienced

I live with two friends one is a practicing wiccan(him) and the other is a tarot reader(her) now being as i just started reading i mentioned that i had done a few readings on my own and had some interesting results on relationship issues to which both of them replied that i should not do readings in the house as it draws in bad auras (hope i spelled that right) which coming from her i was surprised as i know she does her readings in the house and how many times i still do not know but have an idea that it is somewhat frequent so i am wondering what you thoughts on this are. is there any truth to this i do not believe it myself but as i stated am a newbie to this

Thank you in advance


that is an odd thing to tell you, if others are reading cards in the house. It probably goes back to how/where they learned. Just like some christians believe their God is a loving and kind God, others believe happily that their God is a fire and brimstone God. Maybe there were actually taught that without special activities a devil would be unleashed from the cards?

Not knowing the personalities involved, I go for the common sense answer. Are you carrying your full 1/3 share of the house expenses and duties? If so, you can read your cards in the house whenever you want.
If you are there in a more guest position, then you need to abide by the house rules.

Welcome to AT. Spend lots of times reading old threads, there is a ton of education awaiting...on both cards and the human condition.


wolfcub313 said:
. . . to which both of them replied that i should not do readings in the house as it draws in bad auras . .

The very fact that you are questioning this very dubious response indicates that you have adequate stuff between the ears to discern that such a statement is unreliable. Why not ask them where their information on this comes from, can they point you to a good book on the subject? ;)

I've personally never heard of or come across anything like it and wonder where they got this idea from?

For a start, an 'aura' is the energy field which pervades and surrounds every living thing (and even a few non living things too) so how reading tarot cards would somehow attract auras is a mystery.

As AJ says, if you are paying your fair share and have equal rights, you do whatever is reasonable. Use your own gut instinct on things like this, don't just accept wholesale what others tell you (esp if their age/experience is limited) your instinct will take you WAY further in tarot and life than anything else.


Don't forget that tarot cards are just that--cards. Ink and cardstock. How these can attract auras I don't know. :)

BTW, welcome to AT and enjoy yourself here!


If it's going to bug them, maybe poke into the gemstones and herbs section, read up on smuding and find a nice black rock.

I prever Black Tourlmine over onyx or jet, but that's just me. X 3

Now, granted there is some truth if you chose to read by invoking spirits to temporarly control the shuffling order of your cards. That's like a oujia board, or holding seances or whatever- you invite whatever riff-raff's lurking around and if you forget to ask them to leave and gently punt them out the door- they might choose to stay.

But if you're looking within yourself, and keep it firm in mind that you do *not* want strangers influncing your deck- you're just fine.


Can I just ask . . . What is a 'bad' aura?


AJ said:
that is an odd thing to tell you, if others are reading cards in the house. It probably goes back to how/where they learned. Just like some christians believe their God is a loving and kind God, others believe happily that their God is a fire and brimstone God. Maybe there were actually taught that without special activities a devil would be unleashed from the cards?

Not knowing the personalities involved, I go for the common sense answer. Are you carrying your full 1/3 share of the house expenses and duties? If so, you can read your cards in the house whenever you want.
If you are there in a more guest position, then you need to abide by the house rules.

Welcome to AT. Spend lots of times reading old threads, there is a ton of education awaiting...on both cards and the human condition.

I thought it was a odd thing to say especially coming from her i expected it from him and as for the finances i do cover my portion that being said i agree with all of you and think that i should be able to do my readings and i will because i have learned to trust my instincts and found that the few readings i have done have never been with any bad intentions

and sleepingcat you mentioned "Black Tourlmine over onyx or jet" since a newbie i must ask but i assume for the energy absorbing qualities.

and that you all for the welcome i try to visit here everyday as i love to learn and thank you all for the responses.


I find that I don't do my best unless it is quiet around me, and I am able to ground myself well. Perhaps what they meant is that they might be disturbed or interrupted somehow (though I can't fathom a quiet reading in another part of the residence could do that.)

Perhaps you can remind them that multitudes of readers often do readings in the same room at nearby tables at psychic fairs or in reading rooms. How is it that they can do that without interfering with the "aurae" of others? That doesn't seem correct to me, and I haven't heard of that before.


wolfcub313 said:
…to which both of them replied that i should not do readings in the house as it draws in bad auras … which coming from her i was surprised as i know she does her readings in the house…

Okay – I had trouble understanding the question – the punctuation threw me, so let me rephrase the question to see if I understand it correctly, I will then posit an answer based on the reworded question.

You live in a house with a ‘wiccian’ and a Tarot reader.

You are a newbie reader. You did a reading in the house.

You began to discuss the results with your housemates and they told you that you should not be reading in the house, as it draws in bad energies.

One of the housemates reads in the house.[/indent[

If such is the case, you may have housemate issues.

Reading in a house IMO (based on reading since 72) had zip all to do with auras. Has nothing to do with anything. It’s a crap statement.

But what you have is the question as to why they would steer you away from reading in the house. That’s the issue. They (or one of them) does not want you to read in the house, and they gave you a crap answer.

Perhaps they don’t want you to be seen with Tarot cards by clients as they may want a reading from you?
Perhaps you really – should not – in their opinion be studying Tarot cards, and it’s their (her) way of gently steering you away (recent severe depression or other mental insults could result in others not wanting you dabbling in this field).
Perhaps she’s being unreasonable because she does not like you.
Perhaps she’s seeing if you’ll have the guts to look her in the eye and say, “What? Bad aura’s? What crap are you talking about?”

Now me – I’d have said something like, “Whoa there – don’t open that box in the house, you’ll let the evil out!”

...and if you took my statement seriously, I’d know we’d have to talk…​


Uhhh, evil stuff in the box? COOL!!

Btw, welcome to AT wolfcub313.

Since I do most of my readings in my house I really don't worry about drawing any kind of aura.

I would definitely ask them "what in the blue blazes are you talkin' about?"
