tarot and magic?


A friend does spells, I don't. I am scared of them.

He did it for me since i was too scared to do it. Can you tell me if there is a spread or a way to word a question asking if the spell will work that he did? or where the spell is at this point in time at working?

is this possible?


I would go with a simple three card spread and ask, for example:

How will the spell affect me/ *insert situation*?


What will be the outcome of the spell?


How effective is the spell?/ What difference will the spell make to *insert situation*?

or something like this. Asking if the spell has worked may cause unclear answers as it's really a yes/ no question and, in my experience, these sometimes seem to get vague or confusing readings.

Zoe xx


Also, you could ask your friend how he/ she finds out if their spells are effective. Or use a pendulum if you want a straight yes or no.

Zoe xx


don't worry.. my opinion is that if you didn't want to do it, the spell won't be effective.. It's always best also to do spells only for ourselves..


i did a one card outcome

and got temperence as the answer to what the outcome will be....i see this as a delay card, balance, moderation and to be patient.

would you all say you agree?

i totally believe in spells, but every time i do one, i feel like something bad happens to me, so i let him do it for me. i want it to work.....


Temperance always tells me "Keep working at it until it's perfect".

Perhaps you need to do your own spells- The right balance will protect you and as long as you're sending out good, constructive things you get postive enegry back three fold. (I still cant belive this doesnt count as kharma farming)

Or dont be afraid to dabble and figure out the balance that's right for you. Temperance is always a very empowering card for me-- even if I dont want the reigns shoved in my hand.

Rede Seeker

Spell Work with Tarot

I disagree with an earlier posting - If one believes that Tarot connects with the subconscious and that there is a Collective Subconscious, then Tarot provides a pathway into powerful forces whether we intend it or not. If your intuition is saying, 'don't do this', then respect your Inner Widsom.

There is a difference between using Tarot for divination and magic/spell work. One does not need to lead to the other. If you are comfortable with divination, then continue using it, gain experience, and maybe in time the 'don't do this' vibe will ease up.

If you are interested in simple spell work using Tarot, I recomment 'Tarot Magic' by Kelly Danann (http://www.7th-house.com/tarotmagick.html). There is a three card spell for ensuring a fair performance evaluation at work and two card spell for coming out of a period of solitude among others.


my magic spell

It just occurred to me that when i did my own spell a while ago using tarot cards that the cards i used were the ace of cups, star, temperence as the other person and priestess as myself...

do you think the temperence has anything to do with the spell i did using these cards???? i cannot remember the entire context, but it was out of a book i had for tarot spells.... i wish i could remember the name!!!


an i should clarify, i am not scared of the spell, i am scared of the consequences....does that make any sense or am i nuts?


tryingtoreadtarot said:
an i should clarify, i am not scared of the spell, i am scared of the consequences....does that make any sense or am i nuts?

What kind of spells are you doing exactly? if you are scared of the consequences they cant be all that good. and remember not to do anything against someone else's will because those will be bad consequences. learned that the hard way in HS :bugeyed:

the rest i believe its intention. if you have faith it will work then it will.