Project: Christmas Cookie Symbolism


Like most of you, I make Yule/Christmas cut-out cookies every year.

This year I made only 4 cut-out shapes, each symbolically representing a suit of the Tarot:

Bells = Cups
Stars = Swords
Rounds = Discs
Flower shape = Staves

Through the entire process I remained mindful of the myriad of symbolism each suit holds, what each aspect means to me, how each aspect can/will enhance the lives of those around me, etc., etc. Further, I infused the energy of each suit into each designated shape.

The project was MOST fascinating when I observed my friends and family...interesting how each person chose the cookie that represented the facet of the Tarot that was most fitting for them.

My friend Kyle just called after a party where I served many of these cookies. Interestingly, he came into a large sum of money unexpectedly & he was the one eating all the cookies representative of the discs/pentacles. I'm curious to see if any more like synchronicities occur.

Perhaps next year you may want to try out this fun & enriching experiment.


What a fun little experiment! Did you tell any of them about it afterwards?


Oh wow! What a super cool idea!
I have done something similar, with little fortune telling stones for my friends and family...but never with cookies!
That is simply genius!

It was a little like sympathetic magic, wasn't it? Your family will have love, money, new ideas, and opportunities coming their way!

hmmmmm....I may have to do something like this for the new year...


I'm sticking a post it note reminder in my cookie section of my recipe box. We made over 50 dozen cookies this year. Great idea!