Another's feelings


Now I know Tarot is a spiritual guidance piece. I also believe it can give you a "snapshot" of what may happen later on. This is where it becomes dicey. It is said that the cards cannot accurately tell a person's feelings. Okay, I now accurately may be pushing it, but can't it give you a general idea? Just would like to know others thoughts/experiences.

And while I'm on this subject, isn't it ironic that we always put limitations on the cards while spirit is limitless? I mean come on, of course the cards are cardboard paper and spirit or whatever you want to call it flows through you in a reading. I believe your cards & spirit will try and communicate to you in a way you understand like the 6 of cups to me mean someone from my past is coming back and to another, it will be the feeling of nostalgia which doesn't work for me, but we like to place it all in a box when we ourselves don't want to be placed in a box because we read/like Tarot.

**The second piece was just a rant and point of view:p**


I'm not sure that I exactly understand your question, but here is my impression on how we can perceive others' feelings while reading tarot:

In general, I think many of us can agree that there is often a disconnect between what we (or others) feel, what we *think* we're feeling (or acknowledge we're feeling), and why.

For example: sometimes, I get really wound up - stressed, frustrated, you name it. It might take me a few weeks to realize that I've gotten to this point... and then it might take a few more weeks to understand why I feel this way, and what I want to do about.

In my limited reading experience, I've often found that when I perceive a particular challenge for the sitter, it's helpful to highlight what the next step might be, and let them have the "Aha!" moment to fill in the gaps of how they feel and why.

Any help?


Thanks Dandelion for responding and I apologize for confusing you a bit:). What I was referring to is say for example, I would like to know how my boss perceives me because maybe I think I'm working my patookas off and he's acting indifferent. So I go to the cards and just pull a few to see what he may be feeling. Do you think the cards can actually gauge that? That in essence is my question. I hope that's a little clearer. I guess this is what happens when you live inside your head too much:D.


Well, feelings are energies (or rather, put forth energies), and the cards pick up on energies of the yes, the cards can give you some insight as to why your boss is acting indifferent, or if your man/woman still loves you...stuff like that.



If it can accurately reflect your own (or the querent's) feelings - and I think most people feel that it does - it can reflect other people's feelings. I see no reason to doubt this.

Of course, if you can, it's usually better to talk with people directly. I wouldn't say it's because tarot can't answer those questions though.


It is said that the cards cannot accurately tell a person's feelings. Okay, I now accurately may be pushing it, but can't it give you a general idea? Just would like to know others thoughts/experiences.

They can't?

99% of what I use the cards for (okay, not that much, but a vast majority) involves telling another person's feelings. I think Tarot can definitely tell another person's feelings. I have no doubt it can do so. My cards do so quite often. I'm not always right in interpreting them, but I've had many a sitter tell me I've captured just how they were feeling and many times a subject reveal I've found their feelings/thoughts/perceptions as well.

However, the word "feelings" is a bit vague. We have all sorts of feelings at various levels of consciousness. I would maybe be a bit more precise than that in asking. Also, remember that feelings do not = action. We feel a lot of things we never follow through on. One of the great failings of the human race.


based on my experiences, i really do believe tarot cards have the power to provide a querant with an accurate message about how someone else is feeling. as a result, if i were to read for someone and they were to tell me my cards were inaccurate, i would more likely suspect them, rather than the cards.


I agree, I believe they can help you judge a person's feelings.



I so totally agree with your statement. I have read for a client in the past and the readings has 3 threes or something like that, it represented things not being up front, and he totally told me I was wrong. I thought about it later and it was he who was in denial. There were so many things in his life that were not up front, I dont know if he was in denial or if he believed what he thought. I would look at the cards as being a more detached witness - with out bias.
Crystal17 said:
based on my experiences, i really do believe tarot cards have the power to provide a querant with an accurate message about how someone else is feeling. as a result, if i were to read for someone and they were to tell me my cards were inaccurate, i would more likely suspect them, rather than the cards.


I think tarot can tell you exactly what a person is feeling. At the time you draw.

Feelings change all the time. Tonight, I am feeling cross because of something. Tomorrow, I will probably be quite cheerful again.

Whenever I read about someone else, I separate: feelings, intentions, actions. The difference between the three can be telling. Someone might feel love, intend to be friendly, and act distant. Why? That's the mystery of human psychology ;)