2008 Reading layout


I recently laid out some cards to do my 2008 Reading and laid them out in a clockwise direction. After going back to the original thread for 2008 readings I realised that they should have been laid out anti- clockwise. My question is in which way should I read them as when I drew each card I asked what is in store for whichever month. Should I read them in the direction they were laid or the direction they should have been laid?? Or should I void this reading and start again?


I would read them as you laid them. Next time you do the spread, you may discover you prefer to lay them out clockwise. Or you may decide to stick with the way they should've been laid out and do them counterclockwise.

I don't believe the cards are invalid because they were laid out in the wrong direction.



Thanks Rodney....


I think you're fine. If your intention was that they go that way, that's how they'll go. Spreads are just our intentions interacting with the cards. They don't actually exist except in our head. :)

Aura Wolf

berrieh said:
I think you're fine. If your intention was that they go that way, that's how they'll go. Spreads are just our intentions interacting with the cards. They don't actually exist except in our head. :)

I agree entirely. If your cards still correlate with the proper months, it doesn't matter which direction they're going.