A Question AM I BLIND??


Ok, I am notorious for not being able to read for myself. Yeah shoot me, whip me beat me, but I cannot read for myself. Why? A perfect example was presented to me that started two weeks ago and stopped yesterday as to why I can't read for myself.

Don't get me wrong I do read, throw a card out here and there for me, but on the whole don't really read for myself.

For the past 2 weeks I decided to try to read for myself; 3-cards, something simple and just go with the tried and true meanings, if something from "out there" comes in for me, ok.

Well, for the past 2 weeks I was getting the same cards in different combinations, but all pointing to the same thing, Your life is about to take a change to something new, and then the travel cards were abounding.

For some reason, I didn't see it. I just looked at the cards, saw the meanings, and thought,....nothing. Nothing registered.

Now here is the kicker. I just missed yesterday an opportunity to go travel. It was going to be handed to me, as a gift, but at the last minute, the person withdrew the gift in a fit of anger. When it was withdrawn the lightbulb clicked on, and the AH HA and OHHH CRAP moment hit me like a ton of bricks (afterall, how often do you get a gift like that)?

So the question is, was I deliberately blind to what the cards were saying, or did the Universe, God, Spirit whatever, put blinders on me so that I would not see?



Officer, officer, I'd like to report this post. Officer, this poster is hurling epithets at herself. Blind? She's calling herself blind. Furthermore, the title of her thread has nothing to do with the subject. Officer....

Now, seriously, Miss Baroli...the defect is with the cards. Why didn't they warn you "You are about to miss a serious opportunity, young lady, unless you open your eyes..." or... (what card would that have been?)

There was a reason you turned down the opportunity. (What was the opportunity? And what would the ultimate coast would have been? What were you afraid of. Not sure what the reason was? It's sometimes difficult to accept gifts isn't it? Difficult to leap when the chasm appears. I find it especially difficult in the morning, when memories of safe comfy bed overrule all spirit of adventure.


nothing is free. ;) something held you back - look at the whole thing differently - from a different perspective and you will see it clearer. :heart:

BTW what were the cards I am curious. :D



i agree with franniee.... there was something there that held you back. and listen to the fit of anger-- that doesn't sound like such nice offer does it?

don't worry you are not blind.




FM - I didn't know the gift was coming, so the cards were being predictory or I was,:rolleyes: or spirit,.......:confused:

Franniee - I can't remember the exact cards off hand. I don't and haven't kept a journal in a dog's age.

Serena - Perhaps the Universe was keeping me blind because it isn't what or where it wants me to be at that particular moment.



i think sometimes gifts are opportunities that must be seized without hesitation and any hesitation you have could be an insult to the giver

but sometimes gifts come with hidden strings attatched that our higher self wishes to protect us from!



did the cards tell you, you would actually travel? because maybe they were implying that a trip would be offered to you but would not actually go anywhere. Maybe you got the travel cards to show that it would be offered?


To be honest, I'm not sure what you are asking exactly, dear Baroli. I think we all agree the opportunity was not really an opportunity. It was withdrawn, etc...

Are you asking why you didn't understand exactly what the cards were pointing to?

Listen, the cards usually speak in riddles. I think it is up to the person being read for to decide what exactly the riddle pertains to. (There was a cute parody of this on the last Ugly Betty, by the way).

Do we ever know what the riddles point to precisely? And if you read for yourself, you are at a distinct disadvantage, because you are both reader and querant... where is that interraction? I think the interraction itself is where the alchemy happens.

I bet you there was the card that said the offer would be retracted, I mean, that could have, with hindsight, been interpreted to signal a retracted offer...

Second point, there is nothing to prevent the supposed life change or travel opportunity to still come, and in a completely different way.

Thirdly, what if the travel opportunity were to be figurative? Perhaps you are to fall into a particularly gripping book on another universe, or, for that matter, write one!


Not sure how to express this – once – and get the message across.

You know there’s a reason that folks ‘c**’*’ read for themselves, yeah, bias is a part of it, we THINK we know what the cards are telling us…

But it goes so much deeper.

And once we practice the solution, it’s like having the curtains opened in a dark house.


There’s a reason paper and pencil were invented! It’s so you can go back and see patterns you missed!

So put down the mouse, step away from the keyboard – get a notebook and a pencil…and freakin’ journal!!!

And we expect reports.

Oh…and do this with a real deck…maybe do a one deck wonder journal schtick…

(and maybe the trip was 'free'...you missed the pattern...)


Everyone's looking at the specific cards you got and whether or not you were meant to see the opportunity in them. I'm a firm believer in if it were meant to be then it would've been, so I'm not gonna go there.

But I'm curious about your inability to read for yourself. I know that some people just can't and that's the way it is. But have you tried reading for yourself as if you were reading for another person? When you interpret the cards instead of asking, "What do these cards mean for me?" have you tried asking "How would I interpret these cards for Jane Doe from off the street?" I guess what I'm suggesting is to change your mindset to get away from the whole "I'm reading for myself" issue, which seems to be a block for you. I see you've said that you haven't written your readings down in ages, but maybe that would help you get into a different mindset so that you can read for yourself.

Just a thought,