What Powers do we Call Upon?


Question is probably self explanatory, but what powers or energies do we call upon when we do tarot readings?

I've been reading them for a few years now and although the question has always been in the back of my mind, never took the time to research it and I think I would like to know now.

So what is your theory or experience?

Are they spirits answering our questions, or is it just our intuition guiding us?

These things are inexplicable, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I was considering reading about someone who has quite possibly passed away following a disappearance, and then something held me back, in case they were no longer alive, that I may bring their energy or spirit into the room.


I'm surprised no one has any thoughts about this!

Is this a controversial subject to talk about?
Or too long to explain? Or no one else knows :p


Well, it's a good question. I don't feel I call upon any powers other than my own. The information comes from... somewhere. But in terms of power, I don't feel that is external for me.

Demon Goddess

I think it's an even deeper question than you realize, for some of us, cutie2.

For example, my simple answer would be that I get my answers and powers from G-d.

The true answer would include an ultra-deep-supra-existential solliloquoy on what I believe G-d is. And if telling you that I'm a Unitarian Universalist doesn't show that it's going to be a long-winded very odd and possibly bizarre explanation... Then you'll be happy with my simple answer. :D


I get my answers/gift/intuition from God, Spirit, the Universe, and the loa of my New Orleans Voodoo Deck. They all work together. ;) But it's not like I check in every time I receive an answer to ask which one is sending the message through. LOL



My subconscious is talking to my conscious mind. I'm not dealing with spirits or even with God when I do Tarot. There is nothing going on outside of me.

I have never done much reading for others, but when I did it was just the two of us working together doing the reading.


That is a very good question.

Personally, I am an existentialist and an atheistic agnostic. I don't believe in any external powers, but I accept that there are many things we don't know about the world we live in, so I'll not rule out anything.

When I think about the Tarot, I see it as a tool to look at the information I have in a different light. I use to look inside my own mind, and the minds of those I'm reading for. I belive that the Tarot's power for providing insight is great, but I don't think it can predict the future except insofar as belief can influence our actions. Tarot can sometimes be dangerous if it creates self-fulfilling prophecies.

I do tend to see each Tarot deck as an individual entity. Decks have character and thoughts to me. This is not really mystical. It is more like I am projecting a portion of my own personality into the deck. My Rider-Waite, for example, is somewhat like the Magician to me. He certainly has some things to teach me, but he will not coddle me, and he will only give me information if he thinks I am taking him seriously.
I would liken this to one's spirit guide in meditation: wholly a part of you, but taking on a life of its own.

So I suppose the powers I call on when reading are my own. :)


When I do a reading, I am connecting up with my inner being, releasing resistance to Universal Life Energy, and letting it flow. I don't pray before I read, but I do take a few minutes before and during shuffling to breath deeply and quiet my mind, so I can allow the Inner Being of me take over.

I mostly feel that it comes from within me, but the life energy itself is universal in nature.


When I read a make a silent prayer to my Gods and then to Great Spirit, that greater conscious other than myself. I do the same thing when I start a Reiki treatment. I don't believe that its a higher power that lets me read, but I always think its good to be humble, to ask that what you will say will be for the benefit for the greater good of the person.
But its my intuition and consciousness, my subconscious and my experience with the tarot that does all the hard work. I just like to give a moment or two's thought for 'upstairs' so to speak.


inanna_tarot said:
I just like to give a moment or two's thought for 'upstairs' so to speak.
Very well said :) I actually do that too most of the time. And at the end of the day, what I feel comes from within me, is probably coming from that part of myself that I feel is 'connected'.