The creepiest question during a reading...


If the readers don't mind:

I'm curious (also doing research) what is the creepiest question (if any) that a client has posed to the tarot during a reading. Or you've asked of the cards, if you're willing to share that.



I could be wrong, but wouldn't that be considered a breech of privacy? I don't discuss what others have asked, ever. To me doing readings is much like confession. It is between the reader and the client, unless they willingly come public with said question.

As for my own...never you mind! :D ;)


This happens all the time. I've actually asked my deck about a pedafile once. I quickly packed up my deck and left the premise blaming a migraine.


HearthCricket said:
I could be wrong, but wouldn't that be considered a breech of privacy? I don't discuss what others have asked, ever. To me doing readings is much like confession. It is between the reader and the client, unless they willingly come public with said question.

As for my own...never you mind! :D ;)

HearthCricket, if you don't want to answer the question that's alright. I wasn't asking for identifying information just in general.


I was about to do a professional reading for a co-worker (at my other job) this week. Her son-in-law was about to have a brain operation next week, and she wanted me to ask if he would be alright. My first thought was if he wasn't... I sure didn't want to be the one to tell her, and once we pull the cards we just can't choose which cards come up.

I just did not want to do the reading. I just asked her "Are you SURE you want to know the answer to that?.... because if I ask I can't control what comes up, the answer could be anything." She just broke into tears and said that no she did not want me to ask. I was really very relieved.

In my mind it's not a breach of ethics unless you reveal who it is about. No one here has any idea who I am taking about, where the person lives, or anthing about them. It would be impossible for them to know. And as far as I am concerned anyone who reads for me is free to discuss anything that came up in a reading for me if it is interesting or helpful to others, AS LONG AS they do nothing to reveal of hint that it was a reading for me.



That's like what my mother used to tell me. "Never ask a question that you're not truly prepared for the answer,..... any answer". Sounds apt.

As for the confidentiality, I agree with what was said above. But to me, I don't think it's a betrayal of confidence to tell others about questions others ask, as long as no identifiers are used. Because if it was a betrayal to just state the questions we're asked, then we as readers could not even tell others ANY type of question we're asked. We can't have it both ways.

Just my 2 cents worth.

floracove for me...

When I do a reading in person, I do not want to know the question.
I tell them to concentrate on what they want to know, to focus in their mind and heart.

I feel to much of what others feel already, I honestly and personally do not need or want to hear it when I'm sitting with them.
Not that I won't listen to them if they do wish to share and I usually hope, that this is after I've laid out the cards and begin reading them.

When I sit with someone, I naturally notice their body language and facial expressions.
Some will sit and just listen, others will begin telling their story as I go and others can look at the cards and know what it it saying to them better than I well as ask questions.

I am a hesitant reader, I always wrestle with saying what I think to them as I might upset them in some way. Yet, they know this and before it's all over the story is out.

although, I must admit that there have been times when I've done a reading and I was overwhelmed by the alarm I felt from the other person.

Since I am a feeler or empath, I usually sense when the creepies are about and even when caught between a rock (of not wanting to involve their energy with me or my cards) & a hard place (trying to be polite, when a mutual friend insists I read for the other person) I am somehow blessed by the powers that be and not have to read for them anyway.
Strange, but true...

Thankfully, all the creepy ones never got read, by me.

Online, I have read for someone, but picked up on a friend / neighbor rather than the person who I was suppose to be reading for and that reading was overwhelmingly strange for me, but I wouldn't call it creepy. The feelings brought on by the cards were just very strong and called for constructive action.

As for myself, I do not remember ever asking a creepy question.

Oh wait, do you mean like murder? If so, then yes I have.
Didn't like what I found and knew it already.
Things work out as they should I suppose...

But, I really don't consider it creepy either...

How do you mean creepy?
Can you give an example of a creepy question?


Good information! Especially the pedophile one.

I can't recall getting creepy questions myself; maybe that's why I'm asking. But I would say a good example of a creepy question now that I'm thinking about it would be something like: Is he still where I left him? Will that misunderstanding between me, my favorite niece/nephew's parents, and the police be resolved amicably? Will there be any repurcussions from THAT incident?

But really, what makes those examples above truly qualify as creepy (it is entirely possible these questions can be asked legitamitely) would be the way you felt when the question was asked then the answer the cards gave when thrown - if you throw them.

Things like that.


Ok, so by creepy then you mean, questions which are deeply involved or serious.
Then yes, I think everyone does this as well as using light-hearted or not so deeply serious questions.

I think this is natural, since whomever is having the reading is most often focusing on deep matters of their being.

I know there have been times when I've read my own cards and I keep looking deeper, there have been cards that just go, Whoa gal! When that happens I usually get a headache or totally confused at trying to process the info. Then I leave it alone for awhile as it sinks in and becomes either real or not...

Interesting question, really.

I guess to be considered creepy, then the issue might be something that the reader or querant may be uncomfortable with or feel threatened by in some way...


No creepy questions as of yet, but then I don't read for clients just now. Lack of confidence.

Most of the people I've read for have been friends or aquiantences who were skeptical, but curious. The creepiest reading I've read (creepy for the person I read for) basically indicated that her father would get very, very sick in the upcoming months, but she wasn't to worry, because he'd be okay.

A few months later, he had a heart attack, but pulled through it just fine. I think she was a bit shaken when she told me about it, but impressed (and perhaps a bit relieved.)