Do you keep client records?


Hi all,
I'm just trying to professionalise or business-ise my reading for others (business cards, website etc) and I wanted to know if any of you keep records of your clients visits?
I was thinking like index cards like they have at the doctor to remind me of any actions they decided to take or key issues that came up in the reading.

Does anyone do anything like this? or have any suggestions?
Kind regards

The crowned one

I should. I do not. I read live sporadically and in clumps. I get paid in "gifts". Something is holding me back from doing it as a" real" second/third income.

I think your idea is excellent and a wise person would keep records and run their readings, if they are getting paid based on a fee, like a business as that is what it would be.


I will keep readings on file for as long as I feel the reading warrants it, and the client is likely to come back for advice or follow up questions, which happens a lot.

If the reading was for the next few months then it is pointless keeping it for any longer in my point for it becomes old news.

CC sometimes have a long time scale before certain things come to light. You could consider keeping them longer for your own journaling which is always useful. Of course client confidentiality should always be top of your list.



Yes, I keep client records. Currently I keep everything in a notebook, but I really like your idea of index cards. I don't have a lot of clients at this point, but thought it was a good idea to establish good habits from the start.

Also, I read by phone and allow the client to mail a check after the reading. Keeping records is important so I keep track of who has paid. I also jot notes about the reading, birthdates, year card/number, etc.

Best wishes to you!



I've only just started doing it- with the last two clients, in fact!
At the moment I'm keeping them in my Tarot journal, but your idea of index cards is a good one- I might have to consider that as an option.

For clients who return for another reading, I thought it was nice to be able to go back and refresh my memory as to what their concerns were in the previous;- especially if I hadn't seen them in several months.


...and what Eddie said about confidentiality is true- I don't record surnames, and in the case of one long-term client I only use her initials.


Been using lined index cards to maintain client records for years. Kept in a recipe card type box & filed alphabetically.

The front side has their name, birth date & other pertinent information including means of contact. On the reverse side, the dates of their readings.

The readings kept in 3-ring binders by date. & may be looked up by referring to the card file.


I keep a client database, with electronic back up. Also, I use financial software and backup for record keeping as well as complete communication history with the client.


Sonic said:
I keep a client database, with electronic back up. Also, I use financial software and backup for record keeping as well as complete communication history with the client.

I've gone back to good old paper. I can't tell you how many things I've lost in the last several years by relying on "newfangled" computerized means of keeping records. Give me paper any day! You can backup your computer files and whatever, but nothing is as foolproof as paper.

But no, I don't keep records because I've not settled in one spot long enough to get going with a tarot reading business, dangit! I made a foolish decision last year to give up my cute little apartment that was right downtown in a beautiful location for a reading business. Kind of off topic. Sorry.

If I ever do go to doing readings on a business-like basis, I will definitely keep a card file---a paper one. As for a journal or notebook of the actual readings, I'm not sure about that. Maybe a small 3-ring notebook or dayrunner with just some pertinent outstanding points covered in readings, for the sake of refreshing my mind if I want to.


yes, I do keep client records too. but, I'm not very good with it. For the most part, my readings are via the computer, and I always keep a record of the reading I've done, (except for the AT readings). Each client has a folder of their own, and when I do a reading for them, I label it with their name and the date of the reading. A copy is emailed to them and I put my computer copy in their folder which is then kept in one main 'tarot readings' folders on my desktop.

For those who get a reading in person, I try hard to write their reading out, or have them write it and then I try to get a copy of it, from my scanner. But these records are kept scantily so. I often think what I need to do is get the carbon paper to keep on hand for just this reason. I had made sheets describing with special marks the position of cards and what their position means, and have the client write in each box what the card was for future reference. however, I've found that most clients could care less about this part, they are onlyinterested in the reading itself. But, when I give them paper to make notes on, and keep a copy of it, I found for the most part notes that don't really make sense to me. :laugh:

All trial & error stuff that I need to continue search for a way t hat works for us all!

As for any other sort of information on them, no, I do not really keep that. I don't have an index file, but that seems like a good idea, and would be a great way to keep track of my clients. I will keep this idea in mind.

Open Arms

Just had a thought Celtic noodle...if you get an ipod or mp3 player, you can record the reading and transcribe the notes later. Make a note of the cards at the time perhaps and the layout (if you are like me..the layout changes from read to read) and then when you get home..listen to the playback and make your notes then. After that's done you can either store the voice file on your computer or wipe it all together - me - I would wipe it.

My mp3 player will record up to 3 hours of voice I think...

I'd be interested to hear what you think.

Blessed be