Where to buy herbs online


Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knows of a couple of good online herb shops. I can only get the usual herb capsules that are in drug stores or health food stores. I would like to find a good shop to actually get fresh herbs. If I want to make some cherry bark tea, I want the real cherry bark, not some powered stuff in a capsule. AzureGreen has some nice herbs and I have ordered from them in the past. I was just wondering if anyone had any experiences buying from any other sources. Thanks.


Do you have any nurseries in the area where you can purchase the actual plant and grow them inside? Not only is it fun, but it makes the kitchen smell delicious and it is always at your fingertips!


Slightly off-topic for your question---but you mention cherry bark...is that actually good for anything in particular, or just a random thing you came up with for an example? Just wondered as I have a cherry tree, but the birds usually get the fruit before I do. Mind, I don't want to hurt the tree anyway, but perhaps a twig or two if I find I have a use for it.


Furnacechant said:
Slightly off-topic for your question---but you mention cherry bark...is that actually good for anything in particular, or just a random thing you came up with for an example? Just wondered as I have a cherry tree, but the birds usually get the fruit before I do. Mind, I don't want to hurt the tree anyway, but perhaps a twig or two if I find I have a use for it.
Cherry bark tea is very good for coughs! It helps with asthma, bronchitis, and other ailments of the lungs. It also helps relax the digestive tract and can help stop diarrhea. Since it is a bark, you can't make an infusion (the regular way tea is made) with it so you have to make a decoction by boiling it in water for about 20 minutes. The water turns the color of a dark reddish tea. The taste is very woody so it needs to have some honey or other natural sweetener added to it. The bark that is used is the inner bark. Any sticks that fall to the ground naturally would probably not be good to use unless they came down in a storm or something like that. Any branch that is dead would have lost the nutrients and other medicinal value. If you do any pruning of larger limbs, you could harvest the inner bark from them.

Oh, HearthCricket, I would love to grow my own herbs indoors but I have always shared my home with cats who love to eat the little sprouts! I do have some herbs in my yard - spearmint, catnip, basil, thyme, etc. I just don't have the time to cultivate as many as I would like. Maybe when I retire!