favourite astrologer


a while back i used to love patrick walker

he is sadly deceased now

justin toper - once i thought he was a joke but reading his horoscopes he has been so uncannily accurate

jonathan cainer - have lots of respect for him but his daily scopes are too vague for me unless *im really in tune*

jessica adams, australian lady, very very good

liz greene - bit too deep for me but hits nail on head many a time

theres a couple i just cant gel with AT ALL EVER
shelly von strunckel is one
too serious and rarely that positive for me


Rick Levine is the one my MyWay customized page uses. For the first two months they seemed WAY out in left field, I almost deleted that module from my page, but after that I would say about 90% of the time they seem in tune with what I'm doing or where I'm at.


Oooh johnny cainer is the only one for me...i find him astounding!!


I'm a bit of a Liz Green fan. Also Brian Keats (if we can count him as an astrologer ... I do.)


Alan Leo


Grant Lewi

Sydney Omarr (Skip the sunsign books, and pick up.. My World of Astrology)

Charles Carter

Crowley (he ghost wrote all of Evangeline Lily's books)

Vivian E Robson

Linda Goodman (yes, a lot of people give her flack for her 'sun sign' books, but if people would keep an open mind and really read between the lines (as well as the prefaces and introductions and all) one would discover that every work of hers contained a wealth of information.. especially her astrological/esoteric poetic-prose masterpiece... Gooberz

Sue Tompkins

Manly P Hall

Robert Hand

Liz Green

Estelle Daniels (she masterfully combined both astrology and magick)


I'm somewhat of a Liz Greene fan as well. I'm afraid I'm no fan of the newspaper style horoscopes though.

Another astrologer who I think is just fabulous is a British lady called Margaret Koolman. I had the privilage of having consultations with her when she visited Australia and presented seminars here in Brisbane. She takes a spiritual approach and I found her ideas absolutely amazing. Meeting her and hearing her ideas changed my whole understanding of Astrology. She has a book published called "Soul Purpose Astrology" which I love. I'm sure she has a web-site as well.


Debbie Kempton-Smith

Doris Chase Doane

Donna Cunningham

Kim Rogers-Gallagher

Dane Rudhyar


Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson


Not necessarily in the following order:

- Linda Goodman - My first real encounter with astrology and today her sense of humour and her adroitness still amaze me whenever I read her books, although she had long been gone.

- Robert Hand for his Book of Transits ( His are the transit interpretations folks on astro.com go by)

- Joanna Woolfork - her all-time best seller, The Only Astrology Book You'll ever need is full of very important information, in addition to her other one, namely Sexual Astrology; the latter is fun and so true.

- Astro Abby (Bridgette Walther)- She's right on the money

- Sydny Omarr- I was a devout reader of his annual interpretations' book before he passed away.

Edited to add:

- Jan Spiller because of her pioneer work on nodes and the new moon astrology