Sabian Symbols ~ Aries New Moon ... April 08


This is Lynda Hills Sabian Symbol blog on the Aries Full Moon (posted April 4 2008) :)

Two Spinsters, Two Realms, Two Guardian Angels - it's a Big Pairing of Energies at this Aries New Moon.

I think most people will agree with me when I say that the energy of the last week or so (heck of the last few years!) has been pretty weird, fractured, unwired, a bit cranky, over-the-top, or frazzled. This is largely because the Sun, in Aries, and Mars, in Cancer, have been squaring off against each other, giving people either a big burst of 'me-first' energy or a depletion of the adrenals (probably both). Then there's always the issue of bumping heads.

To top it off, we've had the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and now Venus squaring Pluto. So much for diplomacy, so much for people being nice to each other, so much for holding one's thoughts and emotions without having an implosion. Still, there's big changes afoot and many people are feeling them, some intellectually feeling it, others spiritually but many on a visceral level.
Well, this new moon is set to be an interesting one, as is the few days that lead up to it. Occurring on Sunday the 6th April, it's one of those Symbols that gives one pause for thought - literally. The Symbol is Aries 17: Two Prim Spinsters Sitting in Silence.

Curiously perhaps, we have quite a lot of two's going on in this new moon. We have Mercury, the planet of communications, communicating and talking, on Aries 7: A Person Successfully Expressing Them Self in Two Realms at Once and Saturn on Virgo 3: Two Guardian Angels Bringing Protection.
spin•ster (sp n st r)
1. A woman who has remained single beyond the conventional age for marrying.
2. A single woman.
3. A person whose occupation is spinning.

This from an on line source:
When the word was properly used, as in the Middle Dutch and Freisian languages, a spinster was exactly that - one who spins. The women of the Anglo-Saxon household span, in winter, the fleeces which had been taken from the sheep during the summer. That was their expected task. It was a recognised axiom that no woman of that period was fit to be a wife until she had spun for herself her body, table and bed linen. Thus, the task of spinning was generally delegated to the unmarried women of the house, who were the spinners or the spinsters.

Heck! all that work to land a marriage, or, I guess, a man. Nowadays, thank God, we can acquire those things so extremely necessary to sustain a relationship (underpants and sheets and tea towels) rather easily. The relationship, well, that could be a different hill of beans.

So, this new moon is on Aries 17: Two Prim Spinsters Sitting in Silence. They sit, and contemplate, by the sound of it, and don't communicate too much. They have had a lot of experiences, hold a lot of knowledge and may be thinking about things while having a cup of tea... on the other hand, they may have just finished talking a mile a minute and are contemplating the things they've shared. They, being women, have a lot to share. They also probably have a lot of work to do, not only 'spinning' the necessaries, but pulling their lives together, saving their girlfriend's lives as well, being heroic on many levels: spinsters we are but not necessarily by the old definition of the word. We are "spinsters by" dint of the fact that we have to 'spin' our lives; we draw our threads, make our designs, weave the weft and the warp of our existence.

How do you 'spin' your life? Do you find time to do the things you need to do? The things you want to do? Time to have a quiet moment with a friend, perhaps someone who you don't need to tell everything to: You've already shared your life stories, but you catch-up with each other in order to catch-up, or because you and they understand each other without the need for explaining.

Catch-up sounds like something one would do with spinning. We 'catch the threads' and then we 'spin our stories'. What is your story? Are you happy with it? What's the cast like? Do they turn up at the right time? Do they share the plot, or do they have a whole different take on the unfolding story? Is there a worthwhile plot unfolding in your life? Is there any plot you'd want to share with others?

Sometimes, I'm sure, some ask "what's the point"? or scream 'I think I've lost the plot!'

Although this Symbol seems to be implying two women who've never married sitting in silence, this Symbol, like all Symbols, can hold the promise of the opposite. It could read, Two Women Sitting Together Sharing Their Dreams. Of course, this Symbol can be for men, it could read Two Men Sitting Together Talking About Their Life, it merely shows the feminine side of our natures - the caring and sharing and sitting together and spending time together that is rather more feminine than masculine. I know loads of men who are wonderful at listening and talking and sharing and dreaming... so, we shouldn't get caught up in the gender bias that this Symbol seems to imply. It could read Two Men Sitting in Communication With Each Other. That would be cool. I'm sure there's men reading this that do it very nicely, but it seems fairly obvious that not enough men open up.

Then there's the more screaming issue; the fact that this new moon is likely to bring up issues of whether men and woman are really talking with each other, really communing, really getting 'naked' with each other, disrobing and letting go of the superficial constraints that put a hold on true relating. With the strains on emotions and life at the moment with all that's going on, we could find ourselves back-to-back with any of our loved ones... I get the feeling though that the man-woman thing is foremost in this equation. Naturally, this can relate to same-sex relationships...We talk about our days, what's happened, business, phone calls that have come in (along with the bills), but do we talk about our lives?

Further, Aries can be about me-me-me. Perhaps we need to shine more light on 'me'. When I say light, I don't mean the light of the ego, the "WAAHHHH what about me?" part, I mean light on your true, authentic self.

Something to be remembered at this new moon is duality. The degree of Mercury is Aries 7: A Person Successfully Expressing Them Self in Two Realms at Once. This is a wonderful degree, it can show a person who's very much in the world but has a strong spiritual life, perhaps someone holding down two jobs, issues of split parenthood, being adaptable with different people and being successful. The picture that comes to mind is of a person 'successfully' juggling many balls.

Another dual image in this new moon is the one of Saturn on Virgo 3: Two Guardian Angels Bringing Protection. Saturn on this degree asks that we not give in to feelings of discouragement, feelings of loss, feelings of 'when will it ever change?' or 'when will we be happy?'

It's vitally important that we trust in the guidance of the goodness of the universe, the "angels". Otherwise, we can have the feeling of Saturn holding us in a place of lack - lack on many levels.

The degree after this new moon is Aries 18: An Empty Hammock. You may not be getting much rest, may not have someone to share your bed with, you may have someone and not share their bodies, hearts and minds. One needs to get IN the hammock, not just have it hanging like some ornament in one's life. One's sexual nature needs to be honored and appreciated as much as any other part of our psyche. And, of course, many people just need to rest for a change.It can be hard finding those moments. The Hammock is 'Empty' - perhaps it's empty too much of the day?

Even Jupiter has a kind of duality quality to it now. The Symbol is Capricorn 21: A Relay Race. We've got to not only be fit and well rehearsed and ready to join in the game of life, we have to know when to hand the baton over to others. Sometimes we need help to finish the race. Sometimes we need help to even get into the race. By really being there for each other, really listening and caring and sharing, by lightening everybody's load, we can find true communion, true companionship, true support of each other, thereby getting the true value of this Aries new moon.

by Linda Hill.


Thanks Elven, very interesting to read :)


I think that picture is Little Women isn't it? On her blog post.

What would Sabian Symbols as an Oracle book add to 360 Degrees of Wisdom, does anyone have both books?


Is it April 5 or April 8? I think 2005 was April 8?


Hi huredriel, AJ and YDM42 :D

Thanks for taking a look at the Symbols for this New Moon from Lynda.

The New Moon in Australia EST was 6th April at 3:54am.

Elven x