your favourite Lo Scarabeo artist


I have no idea what made me post this for discussion, other than I was looking through my Mona Lisa and Universal Fantasy decks today. Even though I have looked through them many times, the artwork still manages to reach into my imagination. Personally, I think LS have got a little gem of an artist in Paolo Martinelli.

This got me thinking - who is your favourite LS artist and why? I am not necessarily saying which is your favourite deck. Your favourite deck may not necessarily have been illustrated by who you see as being your favourite artist of theirs. (If that makes sense!!)

So, anyone got any thoughts? Personally, I would love to see another deck by Paolo. He certainly made these two different enough for me to believe he has the ability to get the genre or subject matter just right with regards style etc.



Well this is easy for me, one artist above all from LS is my favourite namely A.A. Atanassov. His style isn't cartoony as with most LS artist but has a real classical (and classy) feeling and even aura to it. Something accentuated by the fact that most gilded decks are from his hand.

and yes my favorite LS deck is also by him nemely the Golden Tarot of Klimt


For me it's Severino Baraldi.

In my humble opinion, he did some exceptional work in Ramses, Tarot of Eternity, and Tarot of the Journey to the Orient AKA Marco Polo Tarot, and probably others I am unaware of or can't remember now.


Lucia Mattioli, she has done the Secret Forest, my favourite LoS deck!


Paolo Martinelli


Paolo Martinelli, without a doubt!


looks like Paolo is getting a few votes. Hope you are taking note Riccardo :D (only joking)



I really liked Mara's artwork in the Fey Tarot.


I"m really picky about artwork. The only LS deck I own is the Art Nouveau by Antonella Castelli. I've just ordered two of her oracles as well.

I will agree That the Universal Fantasy looks like a great deck, it is on my wish list. But Antonella gets my vote.


The artist who has done the Circle of Life. Wonderful!