What do you think?

morticia monroe

I was surfing the Tarot Channel website and found this quote, posted by Janet Boyer on April 27, 2007........

I'm working on my first Tarot book, and while constructing content and exercises, it occurred to me that I "think" in the Universal Waite deck when I think of Tarot cards. This struck me as unusual, especially since the Universal Waite was not my first Tarot deck. In fact, years passed before I finally bought it!

Why I "think" in this deck is a mystery.

I assume that when an individual learns a new language, they "think" in their native tongue. (I had three years of Spanish in High School and a year in College--but I was hardly fluent! I could read/write it much better than speaking it.)

I'm curious: when you see a particular Tarot card mentioned in a book or on the web--absent of any images--do you "think" in terms of a particular deck? Which one?

I found it to be a very interesting question.

I don't know that I "think" in any one particular deck. I quizzed myself, and find that in my head I pull up different decks for different cards.


I used to think in the Robin Wood deck and/or the RWS. That is because I spent so many years with the latter and two very intensive years with the former. But as time goes on and I have used many decks, the images from various decks will come to me as appropriately even when reading with a different deck.

Just recently I was reading with one deck, looking at a card and found the image of that same card but from another deck floating before me. It turned out the superimposed image was the one appropriate to the situation.

But, when you work intensively with a deck, as I have seen others comment in the IDS thread, the image of that particular deck sort of get imprinted in your brain. And, it works against you when you go into a different system, as in from an RWS deck to the the Marseilles.

Cavern of Elfhame

This is a great question. I used to think in the Morgan Greer years ago when I first started. It was one of my 1st decks, and the images and colors are so bold, it stuck in my head! Also I used it the most at the time.

Now after 16 years of off and on again Tarot use, study and buying I find myself thinking of different decks depending on the question, my mood or what deck I'm intensely using at the time. For the past 4 months it's been the Bohemian Gothic, so those images tend to pop up for me.

Never really gave thought to this, interesting!

:heart: Effy


....Dont know why, Marsilles Majors and RWS Minors.

I dunno *shurg*

I remember making tarot cards in art class in the 3rd grade for art day. 0.0 It was a marselles deck in spanish, cuz it was a spanish themed art day.

...Guess that stuck with me. We only had majors, and we were doing collages with the cards. I used the death card and the high preistess.

o.0; Woo. Reminience.


I feel that is the danger of deep study and/or use of just one deck, the images are burned in your mind and become a bigger block than a benefit.