Tips GREATLY appreciated (story)


I hope this is alright. I'm so excited & happy about it that I HAD to tell someone, so I chose the forum LOL.

Last night, me & several friends went into a Steak & Shake. It was my first time in my life. Well, the food was wonderful & our waitress was awsome, so as a joke, so I said in a way meant for her to overhear, "As part of her tip, should I give her a free tarot reading?" All of my readings are free & I just accept donations IF people want to give them to me.
Well, she got all excited, something I hadn't expected, & was more than happy to have me read for her.

Long story short, I did the promised reading, & she said I was dead on. During this time, two of her friends came in & saw about half of hers. Keep in mind I knew NONE of these people. I also knew nothing about any of them. Once hers was done, I readings for both of her friends & I had a blast. Then the waitress (names withheld for obvious reasons) said to do hers again & she would pay me for it. Never one to turn down a payment, I did one more. By the end of the night, I walked out of the S&S with $15 more dollars than I walked in with.

I find this amusing AND exciting. Amusing, because it's the first time I've walked out of a resturant as a customer with more money than I walked in with, & exciting because they were among my first verbal only readings, which I am trying to improve on. Everyone was happy with thier reading & without me asking for anything but paitence, they were more than happy to pay me for a job well done! This is a huge step for me.

And in further consideration, it may never have taken place if I hadn't crashed my car just that morning, which lead me to ask a freind to fix it for me, which lead me to being invited to S&S, which lead me to getting paid for readings. AND she wants me to come back & do more for her & her friends. How's THAT for fate! LMAO


That's great! :)

Kenny :)


Well that's a pretty damn good end for what seems like a bad start to a day! tarot readings instead of paying for meals...will have to think about that :D


Nice and fun story...

...once in awhile with friends, this happens. In a group, card images, good connections--this is a very nice memory. In my case, I've never accepted was quite wonderful to hear that you did get to do a real reading and had a great exchange.

I enjoyed your story (...cut out where I thought thread was really asking for tips and thoughts)...

In the U.S., someone told me that since the staff has to legally declare their tips as income, sometimes his mother-in-law as a bartender will divide up tips so she can be on target with what taxes she has to pay. When I heard this and also read your story, I can see how the on-the-spot reading trade worked out to the good for you both!

Best wishes,


Aura Wolf

Great story. Hah!


Very cool.

"Will Read For Food."

Hmmm. Has a nice ring to it. :D


Great story rabidwolfie ! :thumbsup:


I really enjoyed your story, rabidwolfie :).

What a cool experience.


Great stuff!

Another Neophite tastes the nectar...


What a great evening rabidwolfie! That must have been a huge rush for you!
Thanks for sharing.

So sorry about your car. I am glad you weren't hurt.
