June 2008


After a rough go through April and May, Pluto has been hovering back and forth between Capricorns authoritarian behaviour, and the Sagittarius firey attitude, Venus transited through Taurus and is now in Gemini, and further more is conjuncting the Sun at the onset of June, Saturn(no longer retrograde) is moving at a peaceful pace through Virgo, while Mars is Leo to teh very end.

Venus is a push and pull planet as of lately, we just don't feel her since her proximity to teh Sun is underwhelming, we feel more attuned to the water and sky than to the earthly manifestation right now, Mercury's retrograde relates to reviewing our situations, cant always be the same thing with that solar orbitor. Saturn and Mars are in the sector of the zodiac that rules food and command, this election season from nation to local s revealing as to how sporadic the real issues have been presented through a projector lens.

Jupiter is also retrograde in Capricorn, almost missed that one, heavy hitter for some, nonexistent to others, but a review of capricorn law channels the goats demands through, well, something.

It looks as if it will be a quick start to a very intersting summer, we just have to get things going in the direction we want, after the retrograde mercury, expect things to restore themselves to more desirable conditions come July, but June is the time to review, review, review.


Keeping Abreast of the Skies

Thanks for your updates. I enjoy reading them and they keep me from missing the important stuff!


Full moon, June 18

a collective motion of events through the 18th

Venus will enter cancer early in the morning, a premtive implication of the sun entering cancer three days later on th3 21st. The moon in Sagittarius reaches its apex early in the afternoon, but will be trining mars, squaring uranus, sextiling neptune, conjuncting pluto, opposing venus, trining saturn. Venus opposes pluto, mars quincunxes uranus.

One at a time:

moon trine mars, a pleasent merging of emotions and active fluid physicial force; squaring uranus a deceptive movement will be revealed; sextiling neptune though we see condensation forming in the clouds above us, a rainy day; but with that pluto retrograde conjunction, revelations, realizations, absolutes, and endings are all being reviewed with a sharp eye and a sharp wit to begin with. Venus is opposing this pluto, but its a long shot to even try anything with pluto given his sub-planet status. Mars and Uranus is not playing well with eachother, it doesn't have to be everybodies achievement at doing nothing in regards to the uranus electric personality.

Mercury therefore turns direct the day after, reorienting ourselves is primary, but watch out on the road, keep a sharp eye, and leave those automobiles parked out away from the road alone, you'll be informed if they need help. mercury redirect is a very senstive time for privacy.