Spirit of the Wheel Meditation deck


I received this deck a few months ago as a gift, and it has really captured me, though my knowledge of the Medicine Wheel is zilch, though I know a bit about totem animals.

For me, it reads surprisingly well on a purely intuitive level, just receiving impulses from the images. Also, I really like the texts for each card - it is one of the very few booklets I will actually use.

I totally agree with Kahlie that the factual info provided in the booklet will not be sufficient if you intend to understand the concept fully.

Have you tried the spreads at the end of the booklet? I really like the Inner Circle spread.


I never used the Medicine Wheel poster... she didn't really explain it and I wasn't really interested. ;) You can use the cards themselves just like tarot. Do a daily draw, or use the bigger spreads if you want to. Do what feels right.

I dislike most oracle decks, but I can't drool over Spirit Of The Wheel enough. Its utterly spectacular.


I just love the cards, but I have a very hard time doing a reading with a spread. I had to ponder over them and examine in everything depth so I can come up with what the whole spread is trying to tell me.

They are still gorgeous


I love this deck! It is one of my favourites to gift to special people in my life. I use them in a variety of ways, but my favourite is either using it as a daily spread, a mind/body/spirit spread (awesome for this) and sometimes as a defining card when working with the Tarot of Transformation. I get a lot of use out of this gorgeous deck. :)

Cavern of Elfhame

This is one of my very favorites as well! The art is so swirling and pretty, the book is excellent and I get many deep messages from each card, love it!

I have a lot of experience with the Medicine Wheel, so this oracle is fantastic for me.


Spirit of the Wheel just arrived in the mail and I'm utterly entranced by the stunning artwork. I've always felt connected to animals, and have done a lot of work with inner animal guides. I bought this deck because I thought the animals would "speak" in this deck, and although I haven't drawn any cards yet, I feel certain that this deck will quickly become a favorite.

Ironically, I spent this past winter on Vision Mountain, a place near Spokane, WA, where a native man named Sun Bear lived and attempted to build a community based on the wheel. I didn't know anything about him when I arrived there, but came to have a great respect for some of the ideas, and for the people who are living there now. I look forward to exploring those concepts in more detail with this deck.


Thanks, bodhran! I've only read one of Sun Bear's books so far (borrowed while I was on Vision Mountain), and if this one will help with the deck, it might just be the next I should read. I think I can borrow a copy from friends up there. I'm part of a women's sweat lodge that meets about once a month, and I think a few of the women have all his books.


I usually stay away from animal decks but this one is really beautiful. I have only looked at the cards, not the LWB. I've always been interested in the Medicine Wheel. I'm sure this will inspire further research.


Maybe elemental compass points might use Western pagan


North-winter, nature (earth?)
East-spring, ideas/thoughts (air?)
South- (summer?) experience/achievement, fire
West--fall/while dreams/blood of mother earth...water?


I was also thinking that these spreads slightly more organized than my Flower Speaks...maybe I'll be able to use both together...or this with a good herbal oracle deck or tarot with similar paintings....
