Love it or not? Gorgon's Deck


This deck hadn't registered on my tarot awareness until I was doing a Google images search for the Two of Pentacles, a card I feel close to. With the recent discussion of what people really, really want in their decks, and what are their personal no-no's, I'm curious to see what people's responses are to this deck. I like its high-contrast, relatively bold and crisp art, its mildly childlike affect, round shape, and womanishness. I would like to give this deck a whirl and I'm sorry to see that it's not yet published.

Le Fanu

Funny, but here's a deck where the Minors - for me - are much richer and inventive than the Majors. I went to see the deck on her site ("I know, I know, the world doesn't need another tarot deck!" she writes. Oh yes we do!) I like the Minors. I like most of the cards in fact. Shame it isn't just a bit more balanced. but it has a slightly psychedelic feel I like.

I can just see this deck done by Schiffer...


Round decks are not my favorite thing, but I like this very much.


This deck is everything that I hate - it's black and White, it's round and it's a feminine deck and not gender balanced.

I really like this deck, being black and White makes it really striking, colour would spoil it. I love the way the human figures have been drawn and the modern feel it has. It also has a Thoth feel about it. It looks like a deck that would be very intuitive. This is going straight onto my wish list.

I really like her take on the Strength card and the Moon, just noticed them and the obviously pregnant Empress, which I don't usually like to see, it looks right in this deck.

tarot heart

Love it~


This deck is everything that I hate - it's black and White, it's round and it's a feminine deck and not gender balanced.

You had me right here. It's round, it's primitive, it's biased, the art is amateurish and I hate pregnant Empresses.


Reminiscent of Marjane Satrapi's 'Persepolis' (Graphic novel AND film). A combination of 'naive' art and thought provoking images...with much more depth than may at first be perceived...INTERESTING.


I LOVE it!!! Love the patterns she utilizes in her design. If published, this will probably become my first round deck.


This deck is everything that I hate - it's black and White, it's round and it's a feminine deck and not gender balanced.

I really like this deck, being black and White makes it really striking, colour would spoil it. I love the way the human figures have been drawn and the modern feel it has. It also has a Thoth feel about it. It looks like a deck that would be very intuitive. This is going straight onto my wish list.

I really like her take on the Strength card and the Moon, just noticed them and the obviously pregnant Empress, which I don't usually like to see, it looks right in this deck.

I'm all confused. Are you both hating and really liking it?
Or is this a leftover quote from some post that's disappeared? So easily confused....


I LOVE it!!! Love the patterns she utilizes in her design. If published, this will probably become my first round deck.

Ah, that's part of what I like - the many patterns and how she uses them to make contrast. I also realized, this deck has one of my yes-yes-yes qualities - although the art may be naive, these people have real faces, faces I believe in! Plus, the little round critters are incredibly cute. The Devil is scary, too.