What's the postman bringing? - Part 8


Got the The Greater Mysteries Tarot, by Robert Ellaby, Artwork tarot #27 by Adam McLean. Excellent artwork, beautiful colors, and the whole deck radiates wisdom. I have the impression that it was done by somebody who had gone through life experiences and is very wise as a result. Don't know how to express it better, I guess you have to the deck in your hands to feel this. Not sure that the pictures on the internet can reflect this. I am very glad I have this tarot. My 'precious' :)


Got the Dream Raven tarot as well. So sweet!


The Victorian Fairy. :) I need some evocative nostalgia & escapism right now.


The Lo Scarabeo Tarot - I want to see how the different tarot traditions can appear in one image. I'm not sure the style of the artist will appeal to me but I'm fascinated by the concept.

Shadowscapes - just the opposite motivation, the artwork just took me captive and I ordered it just because I knew I had to have it.

I'm waiting now for these decks...

The postman is also about to bring me an additional mini Universal Waite because in the last I ordered, the World card was missing. This deck is for an art project - a whole deck on magnets for a magnetic board. The whole deck is waiting for the World.


Wow, this is like early Christmas! Thanks to lovely delizt I am waiting for a glitter dark crystal rose being on its way across the great pond. And I found a brand new copy of the Tarot of Prague, 2nd edition, in an online bookstore, yeah!

*happy dancing*


Victorian Fairy on its way...


Wild unknown on its way for me


I have two decks due to arrive tomorrow.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot
D.J. Conway

The Gaia Oracle
Salerno, Toni Carmine


Victorian Fairy Just ordered!


Witches Tarot, love the abundant colors!