
PLEASE keep in mind I am just talking PREFERENCE. I am not saying any one preference should be better than another. Just asking readers what they personally like.

For the animals, like Fox, Bear, Dog, Mice, I really don't care about color much as long as they are clearly what they are supposed to be. If I can't tell the Fox from the Dog, that would be a problem, but otherwise, I don't care if there is a Snow Fox anymore than I care if the Bear is a brown bear, or in the case of the Gilded Reverie, a polar bear.

For Positions cards may be facing, again, I don't personally care as it doesn't really affect how I read and I read three card layouts almost exclusively. Again, JUST my preference.

HOW an image is portrayed, I DO care about. I see FISH as abundance, luck, money, so I would like to see more than one. I see the MICE as trouble, loss, taking away, I don't wish to see them as cheery little creatures. I don't want the BEAR to be a teddy bear because that is not how I read the BEAR. These are all just some of my preferences.

So, ATers, Color, Position cards face, how the image is portrayed, what do you personally LIKE?

Village Witch

I agree with your preferences, GD.

I pay no attention to which way the Scythe points or what side of the Clouds card is dark or light. Position is everything.

ana luisa

I am a bit picky, it seems. I need first of all, expressive eyes. For both people and animals. They say a lot during a reading. Also, I need background. I do not work well with cards that show JUST the image. I also need cards that show directions (eg, the lady looking to the left or right, the animals moving towards a certain direction, etc). Lastly, there are two cards that matter a lot to me: the dog and the coffin. My dogs have to look friendly and the coffin cannot be a scary one with moss and crying people around for I don't read coffin as death but end. Aside from that, I'm cool :D


Ana Luisa

I must ask, there is a Lenormand with a Coffin with moss and crying people? I also see Coffin as usually an end, loss, separation, not really as death although I SUPPOSE it could be in rare circumstances. But I was trying to picture a Lenormand with a Coffin like you describe and I couldn't think of any, but even if that would not be my preference in portraying the Coffin, it sounded like an interesting visual :). Oh and I agree about the Dog as well. I wouldn't want a snarling, mean-looking Dog. I like friendly as I see the Dog as loyal, true friend.


Thank you for those links, Ana Luisa!

I find it really interesting what readers look for in Lenormand. It is more simplistic than tarot for the most part, if for no other reason than less images and they can be simple. BUT there are so many things that seem to vary including color and position, how an image is portrayed, that I knew I wasn't the only one who looked for certain things or didn't care about others. WOW, I see what you mean about the Coffin in the De Lora, Ana Luisa!

Village Witch

I am a bit picky, it seems. I need first of all, expressive eyes. For both people and animals. They say a lot during a reading. Also, I need background. I do not work well with cards that show JUST the image. I also need cards that show directions (eg, the lady looking to the left or right, the animals moving towards a certain direction, etc). Lastly, there are two cards that matter a lot to me: the dog and the coffin. My dogs have to look friendly and the coffin cannot be a scary one with moss and crying people around for I don't read coffin as death but end. Aside from that, I'm cool :D

I am a Lenormand newbie, so please bear with me with all my questions.

How does what direction the woman is looking affect a read? Or what direction an animal is moving?

I understand the dark/light on the Clouds cards, but these you mention intrigue me.

As to the Dog card, I use the Gilded Reverie deck which has a friendly looking dog with a leash in it's mouth. I see the Dog card as loyalty, and a leash in a dog's mouth tells me the dog needs to go for a walk or go outside to "go potty". It makes me feel as the Dog needs something from me. Perhaps I should view it as my loyalty to the dog. I have two dogs. :-D

ana luisa

I am a Lenormand newbie, so please bear with me with all my questions.

How does what direction the woman is looking affect a read? Or what direction an animal is moving?

I understand the dark/light on the Clouds cards, but these you mention intrigue me.

As to the Dog card, I use the Gilded Reverie deck which has a friendly looking dog with a leash in it's mouth. I see the Dog card as loyalty, and a leash in a dog's mouth tells me the dog needs to go for a walk or go outside to "go potty". It makes me feel as the Dog needs something from me. Perhaps I should view it as my loyalty to the dog. I have two dogs. :-D

I also have a shelter dog and love him to BITS!! Now, first things first. You asked about direction. If you get this lady in the Gilded, for instance;600;600

you'll notice she's facing left. Now, let's get the Man's card:;4554;3455

If, by any chance, the man appeared next to her on the left, they would be looking at each other right ? In fact, they would be looking at each other with different intentions. The man is staring at her hands holding a rose so he could be in love with her and not able to say it, he could be feeling cheated, he could even be wondering what her breasts look like! She, on the other hand, is checking his necklace with the MALE symbol so she is really much into the physical attraction bit. Now, if you take the other lady, looking out the window, that could tell even more stories. If he were on her left, he would be looking at her and she would not even see him. She would be looking out the window, possibly longing for freedom that he does not allow her. If she appeared on his left (like in the link I sent you) ,however, then, she would be longing for him , "out" of the window or perhaps out of her reach, or even, going out too much (why is he never home these days?). All these interpretations will come with intuition but the direction of their gaze is crucial, IMO. Does that make sense ?

Same goes for animals. For instance, the bear in the Gilded Reverie is trying to set himself free from his ice cage (we have to figure what's keeping him prisoner) and moving right (to the future or to the card laid on his right). Here, the bear is ALSO moving to the right but his attitude is that of rage and attack.;610;990

Yes, it does depend A LOT on the image and the art. The Gilded dog, as you said yourself, is looking at YOU, the reader and asking for something.

Isn't Lenormand so much fun ?

Village Witch

I also have a shelter dog and love him to BITS!! Now, first things first. You asked about direction. If you get this lady in the Gilded, for instance;600;600

you'll notice she's facing left. Now, let's get the Man's card:;4554;3455

If, by any chance, the man appeared next to her on the left, they would be looking at each other right ? In fact, they would be looking at each other with different intentions. The man is staring at her hands holding a rose so he could be in love with her and not able to say it, he could be feeling cheated, he could even be wondering what her breasts look like! She, on the other hand, is checking his necklace with the MALE symbol so she is really much into the physical attraction bit. Now, if you take the other lady, looking out the window, that could tell even more stories. If he were on her left, he would be looking at her and she would not even see him. She would be looking out the window, possibly longing for freedom that he does not allow her. If she appeared on his left (like in the link I sent you) ,however, then, she would be longing for him , "out" of the window or perhaps out of her reach, or even, going out too much (why is he never home these days?). All these interpretations will come with intuition but the direction of their gaze is crucial, IMO. Does that make sense ?

Same goes for animals. For instance, the bear in the Gilded Reverie is trying to set himself free from his ice cage (we have to figure what's keeping him prisoner) and moving right (to the future or to the card laid on his right). Here, the bear is ALSO moving to the right but his attitude is that of rage and attack.;610;990

Yes, it does depend A LOT on the image and the art. The Gilded dog, as you said yourself, is looking at YOU, the reader and asking for something.

Isn't Lenormand so much fun ?

Wow! I had no clue. Your explanations make a world of sense! Yes, Lenormand is great fun!

Thank you so very much for your reply. I love this forum!


TBH I don't get into which way characters are facing, What they are doing in the image. If I go that route, I am reading it as I would tarot. And I don't want to do that. Because I know, with my love for imagination, there is a danger I go off at a serious tangent. Seriously - you would not want to be in my head when that

I do like the man and woman to face opposite directions, but that is just preference. If man is to the left of woman, and is linked to the past, I cannot then take into account which way he is facing. You can't have it both ways (if that makes sense).

I have the Gilded Reverie and love it to bits. One of my favourite decks. Truly breathtaking. But I do not let me mind wander and take into account what the bear is doing. Again, it takes it down the route of tarot style of reading.
Not to say anyone is doing anything wrong if they do read into actions undertaken within the image. Or which way characters face. If it works for you then that is all that matters - so keep doing it :D We all have different styles which makes this world of Lenormand a wonderful one to behold.