What's the postman bringing? - Part 10


The postlady has been rather busy lately thanks to the lovely members here...... I've now received the International Icon, Tyldwick and Tarot der Isis - all decks that I've wanted for ages and I'm really enjoying.
From elsewhere, the Merrimack came yesterday and at some point a Hoi Polloi should be falling through the letterbox.
And now I need to stay out of the Trading forum, away from Ebay and stop caning the Paypal!


I got my tarot bag :)


After the panic of my light bulb exploding, I calmed myself by ordering Tarot of the Sidhe. Got it for a good price on a site (Jazmin's Books). :)


Got my vibrational Energy cards and wow! Also got my Silver Witchcraft book. Yay :)


Just ordered the 2nd edition Daniloff Tarot - happy dance!! The artwork looks stunning and i haven't even got the deck yet but i just know i will adore it :)


I just ordered the Tarot of Trees! But... 'Ready to send in 2-4 weeks'
omg :bugeyed:

Wow, it just arrived! Much quicker than I expected.

But there was a not so nice surprise as well, I didn't know that I had to pay taxes over it to bring it in the country... Had to pay an extra 25 bucks cash to the postman :( ouch.


Still waiting on:

New Orleans VooDoo

Alice LE (plus book and a bunch of bags)

Chrysalis (although I ordered quite a while ago and haven't received a notification as yet)

OH THE PAIN! The wonderful pain :D

Lil Red

The things I'm waiting are:

Alice Tarot


I received a brand new deck of Victorian Romantic Tarot cards yesterday! Found an unbelievable deal and couldn't pass it up. Such great cards.