Creepy coincidence or a sign?


I usually turn to tarot when one of my friends asks me to consult them about their particular situation but sometimes I turn to them for answering my own questions as well. Nearly every time I would consult them about my situations with a particular person I would always pull the king of pentacles card for him, even before I met him. I would ask the cards about my future love interest and I would nearly always pull the king of pentacles. During our relationship I also kept pulling the king of pentacles anytime I would ask a question about him. He and I are well into a conflict now and have since stopped talking to each other (just under 3 weeks now). Out of the blue I started seeing his name everywhere, hearing songs that remind me of him, one of my friends (who has never met him) has even said something that he has said in exactly the way he said it, like word for word. I am a bit of a skeptic, while I do believe in signs I just do not believe they are everywhere or at least this easily visible so I tried ignoring them.

I was on the phone with a friend of mine one day and explained to her what was happening and she told me to turn to the cards, so that's what I did. I was on the phone with her and shuffling at the same time getting ready to ask the cards about the signs I may or may not have been getting. While I was shuffling I made a joke to my friend stating "If I pull the king of pentacles I am going to throw my deck in the trash".... before my sentence was fully even finished what card JUMPS out at me while shuffling? the king of pentacles! Literally threw itself at me! I was in shock and stopped talking and moving altogether, my friend kept asking me what happened so I told her and she just kind of froze in silence, as I did.

Does anyone have an opinion about this? Is this just another coincidence or should I really start paying attention? Could I have willed this card to show itself by making the joke?


What are you waiting for? To be hit by a ton of bricks? Haha. Seems to me since you ignore the signs they are just getting stronger until you DO pay attention.

I'm the biggest skeptic there is, but some things you just have to listen to :)

The thing I don't get (I'ts 5 am and I haven't had a full cup of coffee yet) is what are you thinking it's a sign OF?

I see you clearly have a connection with him representing the King of Pentacles, but as far as the music and the friend saying things how he says them? He's on your mind, yes but what else? I'm missing something.


Hi Disa,

This is where I am also confused. I'm not quite sure what they mean either which is why I've been TRYING to ignore them lol. I have been asking for clarity but it seems I am still not seeing the big picture. I think maybe he is just thinking of me or maybe he will try to reach back out to me, I am not sure but you're right, they do seem to be screaming at me now and I'm still not getting it. Talking to my spirit guide about this particular subject is making me doubtful as I feel like I am hearing myself or hearing what I want to hear so it's a difficult one for me.


Ohhhh. Ok, I see what you mean. I'll think on it some once I've had a chance to wake up. In the meantime,hopefully someone will come along and set us both straight :)

My first thought is that he's thinking of you, but I don't know? Did you ask the cards,"Why do I keep drawing the King of Pentacles?" or "What is the King of Pentacles trying to tell me about X?"


It looks to me like you're just thinking of him too much and paying too much attention to things even remotedly connected with him, that's it. This has happened to me before, with a crush who clearly wasn't interested (so he couldn't have been thinking of me), - but I kept seeing and hearing his name everywhere, and people kept discussing him in front of me. :bugeyed: Once I threw him out of my head, this stopped.


My 2 cents.

The King of Pentacles reminds of you becoming more and more obsessed with this man

"As the upright King of Pentacles reflects a committed and devoted partner, the reversal of this card may indicate fear of commitment or a strong desire NOT to be committed to anyone. You may have thought you met the ‘man of your dreams’ or your ‘future husband’ in this person but you have quickly come to realise that he is not what you are looking for. He may not be as reliable or dependable as initially thought, and instead he has become overly controlling, authoritative and possessive in your relationship with him."

- BiddyTarot

When the PentKing popped out, was it upwards or reversed?


It looks to me like you're just thinking of him too much and paying too much attention to things even remotedly connected with him, that's it. This has happened to me before, with a crush who clearly wasn't interested (so he couldn't have been thinking of me), - but I kept seeing and hearing his name everywhere, and people kept discussing him in front of me. :bugeyed: Once I threw him out of my head, this stopped.

I agree with this. It's sort of like when you get a new car, that's when you start seeing that same car all over the roads, when you may have thought you were getting something not so popular.
Or when you are getting ready for a vacation or want to go on a trip...say to Disney or something, and you see commercials everywhere and references, and people around you are planning their trips. I see that as more because it's in your vibration, on your mind and in the energy you are emitting

Also, I am a HUGE believer in signs, but for me, signs come when I'm asking for them. When I want to know which direction to go in. When I ask my spirit guides, or past family members for guidance. Or if I see/hear/experience things that pull me in a certain direction. Do you feel any of these "signs" are guiding you in a certain direction or answering any of your questions clearly? If not, I think it's more the vibration you are putting out with your thoughts of him.


Did you ask the cards,"Why do I keep drawing the King of Pentacles?" or "What is the King of Pentacles trying to tell me about X?"
No, I was actually so creeped out by the experience that I did not ask any questions about it. I just spoke briefly with my spirit guide about it who's answers seem a little vague to me. "Both parties want to reach out but neither wants to do it first. He feels as if you need him right now. Be patient." Not sure what that means, especially why he would think I would need him but I had gotten into a pretty bad car accident a few days ago so maybe he can feel that there is something wrong *shrugs shoulders* I'm not sure but I don't want to stretch it either so i'm going to leave myself open I suppose.

It looks to me like you're just thinking of him too much and paying too much attention to things even remotedly connected with him, that's it.
I also had this same thought BEFORE the card popped out, which is why I had been ignoring all previous signs about him. Knowing myself and knowing the situation, I simply do not think this is the case anymore.

My 2 cents.

The King of Pentacles reminds of you becoming more and more obsessed with this man

"As the upright King of Pentacles reflects a committed and devoted partner, the reversal of this card may indicate fear of commitment or a strong desire NOT to be committed to anyone. You may have thought you met the ‘man of your dreams’ or your ‘future husband’ in this person but you have quickly come to realise that he is not what you are looking for. He may not be as reliable or dependable as initially thought, and instead he has become overly controlling, authoritative and possessive in your relationship with him."

- BiddyTarot

When the PentKing popped out, was it upwards or reversed?

While I do agree with BiddyTarot's definition of the card (I have gone to this site as well) I think "Obsessed" is the wrong word to use here. Obviously I can't put anyone in my shoes, I can merely describe what I am going through but no one will see what exactly is going on because they are not seeing through my eyes. The thoughts are more forced on me about him. Yes, I agree that I am thinking of him BUT obsessing, no. It's not like I just wake up and oh, there's a song about him playing. I don't really know how else to explain it other than the signs are being forced into my line of vision. They are going out of their way to be seen by me, not me going out of my way to see them. I've been ignoring and as you can see they have just been getting louder and more obvious so there's something they want me to know that I'm not getting. My mind is not so empty that it just needs to be occupied, my mind is actually a very busy place right now and I myself have been physically busy so "obsessing" really doesn't fit well here, in my opinion. And the card was upright.


Also, I am a HUGE believer in signs, but for me, signs come when I'm asking for them. When I want to know which direction to go in. When I ask my spirit guides, or past family members for guidance. Or if I see/hear/experience things that pull me in a certain direction. Do you feel any of these "signs" are guiding you in a certain direction or answering any of your questions clearly? If not, I think it's more the vibration you are putting out with your thoughts of him.

I'm not sure, at first I just thought that I was missing him but things definitely got a little weird for me and my spirit guide is telling me right now as we speak to look deeper and to be patient. I also heard a two week timeline, so I guess I will be finding out within two weeks. She's telling me right now that yes, there is a reason I am seeing all of these things but I need to look deeper than what I am looking now. Still has me confused but maybe I need to wait until the answer reveals itself rather than looking for an answer that might not be correct.


It could also be that the characteristics of the King Pentacles are characteristics that you need to develop in your own life! The stability, reliability, dependability. The ability to be a mentor and a protector. The ability to be financially independent of anyone else.

If you are not getting the message of a card, Tarot will keep hitting you with it until you do. Perhaps associating this card with this person is not what your deck is trying to tell you at the moment. Look to yourself.